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srinivasan (manager)     28 June 2015

Judge say potency results consider as per evidence act 45

I applied pettion in court for medical examination and judge sir fixed Rajiv Gandhi government hospital for medical examination. and urologist head conducted medical examination with other departments head like,diabetes, forensic heads and finally hospital send potency certificate directly to court but judge sir tell me that we only consider that mediacal examination certificate as per evidence act 45 and i dont know what act so i required further help or advice. and opposite lawyer harrsing me in front of judge and use words like useless, impotent etc even i prove my self as potent as confirmed in medical examination certificate and cross examination going on more than one hour in each time and i will go third time in next month so that i aks further guide from you all. Sir, i want to know that in any chance judge ignore my potency test certificate for issuing divorce and i sure that opposit party not produce any evidence that i impotent but asking very non sense question in cross examination like what you doing in first nigh etc., in front of judge. and divource is my secondary only and i want to prove my self that am fit for family life is my primary because its my prestiage issue and i hope that all mens understand my feelings.


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