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Is legal terrorism advocates fit term for woman organization

Page no : 2

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     20 December 2010

"a mandatory arrest without any proof just on a verbal complaint is not justified at all."


It is presumed that what victim is telling is true and it is the duty of the law enforcement agencies to protect the victim from any threat and danger at any cost, Due to lack lusture or inefficient behaviour and untimely attention by f the law enforcement agencies has taken many lives and so many women have been killed.

In spite of being so many laws women are being killed everyday.

So arrest is must. Also there is lot of difference between allegations and proving it in the court.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     20 December 2010

arrest wat for , so funny? u do not know even basics of criminal law . u cannot contradict my line. this is Supreme Court direction not mine.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     20 December 2010

arrest shud be mandatory only in cases with definitive proofs of physical violence.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     20 December 2010











DATE OF JUDGMENT: 25/04/1994

       MOHAN, S. (J)


1994 AIR 1349 1994 SCC (4) 260
JT 1994 (3) 423 1994 SCALE (2) 662




1. This is a petition under Article 32 of the Constitution of India. The petitioner is a young man of 28 years of age who has completed his LL.B. and has enrolled himself as an advocate. The Senior Superintendent of Police, Ghaziabad, Respondent 4 called the petitioner in his office for making enquiries in some case. The petitioner on 7-1-
1994 at about 10 o'clock appeared personally along with his brothers Shri Mangeram Choudhary, Nahar Singh Yadav, Harinder Singh Tewatia, Amar Singh and others before Respondent 4. Respondent 4 kept the petitioner in his custody. When the brother of the petitioner made enquiries about the petitioner, lie was told that the petitioner will be set free in the evening after making some enquiries in connection with a case.

2. On 7-1-1994 at about 12.55 p.m., the brother of the petitioner being apprehensive of the intentions of Respondent 4, sent a telegram to the Chief Minister of U.P. apprehending his brother's implication in some criminal case and also further apprehending the petitioner being shot dead in fake encounter.

3. In spite of the frequent enquiries, the whereabouts of the petitioner could not be located. On the evening of 7-1-
1994, it came to be known that petitioner is detained in illegal custody of 5th respondent, SHO, P.S. Mussoorie.

4. On 8-1-1994, it was informed that the 5th respondent was keeping the petitioner in detention to make further
enquiries in some case. So far the petitioner has not been produced before the Magistrate concerned. Instead the 5th
respondent directed the relatives of the petitioner to approach the 4th respondent SSP, Ghaziabad, for release of the

5. On 9-1-1994, in the evening when the brother of petitioner along with relatives went to P.S. Mussoorie to enquire
about the well being of his brother, it was found that the petitioner had been taken to some undisclosed destination.
Under these circumstances, the present petition has been preferred for the release of Joginder Kumar, the petitioner

6. This Court on 11-1-1994 ordered notice to State of U.P. as well as SSP, Ghaziabad.

7. The said Senior Superintendent of Police along with petitioner appeared before this Court on       14-1-1994.

According to him, the petitioner has been released. To question as to why the petitioner was detained for a period of five days, he would submit that the petitioner was not in detention at all. His help was taken for detecting some cases relating to abduction and the petitioner was helpful in cooperating with the police. Therefore, there is no question of detaining him. Though, as on today the relief in habeas corpus petition cannot be granted yet this Court cannot put an end to the writ petition on this score. Where was the need to detain the petitioner for five days; if really the petitioner was not in detention, why was not this Court informed are some questions which remain unanswered. If really, there was a detention for five days, for what reason was he detained? These matters require to be enquired into. Therefore, we direct the learned District Judge, Ghaziabad to make a detailed enquiry and submit his report within four weeks from the date of receipt of this order.

8. The horizon of human rights is expanding. At the same time, the crime rate is also increasing. Of late, this Court has been receiving complaints about violation of human rights because of indiscriminate arrests. How are we to strike a balance between the two?




9. A realistic approach should be made in this direction. The law of arrest is one of balancing individual rights,
liberties and privileges, on the one hand, and individual duties, obligations and responsibilities on the other; of
weighing and balancing the rights, liberties and privileges of the single individual and those of individuals collectively;
of simply deciding what is wanted and where to put the weight and the emphasis; of deciding which comes first the
criminal or society, the law violator or the law abider; of meeting the challenge which Mr Justice Cardozo so
forthrightly met when he wrestled with a similar task of balancing individual rights against society's rights and wisely
held that the exclusion rule was bad law, that society came first, and that the criminal should not go free because the
constable blundered.

In People v. Defore Justice Cardozo observed:

"The question is whether protection for the individual would not be gained at a disproportionate loss of protection for society. On the one side is the social need that crime shall be repressed. On the other, the social need that law shall not be flouted by the insolence of office. There are dangers in any choice. The rule of the Aclams case (People v. Adams) strikes a balance between opposing interests. We must hold it to be the law until those organs of government by which a change of public policy is normally effected shall give notice to the courts that change has come to pass."

10. To the same effect is the statement by Judge Learned Hand, in Fried Re3:

"The protection of the individual from oppression and abuse by the police and other enforcing officers is
indeed a major interest in a free society; but so is the effective prosecution of crime, an interest which at times
seems to be forgotten. Perfection is impossible; like other human institutions criminal proceedings must be a

The quality of a nation's civilisation can be largely measured by the methods it uses in the enforcement of criminal

11. This Court in Nandini Satpathy v. P.L. Dani4 (AIR at p.1032) quoting Lewis Mayers stated: (SCC p. 433, para

"The paradox has been put sharply by Lewis Mayers:

‘To strike the balance between the needs of law enforcement on the one hand and the protection of the
citizen from oppression and injustice at the hands of the law-enforcement machinery on the other is a
perennial problem of statecraft. The pendulum over the years has swung to the right.' "
 Again (in AIR para 2 1, at p. 1033) it was observed: (SCC p. 436, para 23)

"We have earlier spoken of the conflicting claims requiring reconciliation. Speaking pragmatically, there exists
a rivalry between societal interest in effecting crime detection and constitutional rights which accused
individuals possess. Emphasis may shift, depending on circumstances, in balancing these interests as has been
happening in America. Since Miranda there has been retreat from stress on protection of the accused and
gravitation towards society's interest in convicting law-breakers. Currently, the trend in the American
jurisdiction according to legal journals, is that 'respect for (constitutional) principles is eroded when they leap
their proper bounds to interfere with the legitimate interests of society in enforcement of its laws...'. (Couch

v. United State). Our constitutional perspective has, therefore, to be relative and cannot afford to be absolutist, especially when torture technology, crime escalation and other social variables affect the application of principles in producing humane justice."

12. The National Police Commission in its Third Report referring to the quality of arrests by the police in India
mentioned power of arrest as one of the chief sources of corruption in the police. The report suggested that, by and
large, nearly 60% of the arrests were either unnecessary or unjustified and that such unjustified police action
accounted for 43.2% of the expenditure of the jails. The said Commission in its Third Report at p. 31 observed thus:

"It is obvious that a major portion of the arrests were connected with very minor prosecutions and cannot, therefore, be regarded as quite necessary from the point of view of crime prevention. Continued detention in jail of the persons so arrested has also meant avoidable expenditure on their maintenance. In the above period it was estimated that 43.2 per cent of the expenditure in the connected jails was over such prisoners only who in the ultimate analysis need not have been arrested at all."

As on today, arrest with or without warrant depending upon the circumstances of a particular case is governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure.




13. Whenever a public servant is arrested that matter should be intimated to the superior officers, if possible, before the arrest and in any case, immediately after the arrest. In cases of members of Armed Forces, Army, Navy or Air Force, intimation should be sent to the Officer commanding the unit to which the member belongs. It should be done immediately after the arrest is effected.

14. Under Rule 229 of the Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha, when a member is arrested on a criminal charge or is detained under an executive order of the Magistrate, the executive authority must inform without delay such fact to the Speaker. As soon as any arrest, detention, conviction or release is effected intimation should invariably be sent to the Government concerned concurrently with the intimation sent to the Speaker/Chairman of the Legislative Assembly/Council/Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha. This should be sent through telegrams and also by post and the intimation should not be on the ground of holiday.

15. With regard to the apprehension of juvenile offenders Section 58 of the Code of Criminal Procedure lays down as

"Officers in charge of police stations shall report to the District Magistrate, or, if he so directs, to the SubDivisional Magistrate, the cases of all persons arrested without warrant, within the limits of their respective stations, whether such persons have been admitted to bail or otherwise."

16. Section 19(a) of the Children Act makes the following provision:

"The parent or guardian of the child, if he can be found, of such arrest and direct him to be present at the Children's Court before which the child will appear;"

17. In England, the police powers of arrest, detention and interrogation have been streamlined by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act,' 1984 based on the report of Sir Cyril Philips Committee (Report of a Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure, Command-papers 8092 1981 1).

18. It is worth quoting the following passage from Police Powers and Accountability by John L. Lambert, p. 93:

"More recently, the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure recognized that 'there is a critically important relationship between the police and the public in the detection and investigation of crime' and suggested that public confidence in police powers required that these conform to three principal standards: fairness, openness and workability." (emphasis supplied)

19. The Royal Commission suggested restrictions on the power of arrest on the basis of the "necessity of (sic)
principle". The two main objectives of this principle are that police can exercise powers only in those cases in which it
was genuinely necessary to enable them to execute their duty to prevent the commission of offences, to investigate
crime. The Royal Commission was of the view that such restrictions would diminish the use of arrest and produce
more uniform use of powers. The Royal Commission Report on Criminal Procedure Sir Cyril Philips at p. 45 said:

"... we recommend that detention upon arrest for an offence should continue only on one or more of the following criteria:

(a) the person's unwillingness to identify himself so that a summons may be served upon him;

(b) the need to prevent the continuation or repetition of that offence;

(c) the need to protect the arrested person himself or other persons or property;

(d) the need to secure or preserve evidence of or relating to that offence or to obtain such evidence from the suspect by questioning him; and

(e) the likelihood of the person failing to appear at court to answer any charge made against him." The Royal Commission in the above said report at p. 46 also suggested:

"To help to reduce the use of arrest we would also propose the introduction here of a scheme that is used in
Ontario enabling a police officer to issue what is called an appearance notice. That procedure can be used to
obtain attendance at the police station without resorting to arrest provided a power to arrest exists, for
example to be fingerprinted or to participate in an identification parade. It could also be extended to
attendance for interview at a time convenient both to the suspect and to the police officer investigating the




20. In India, Third Report of the National Police Commission at p. 32 also suggested:

"An arrest during the investigation of a cognizable case may be considered justified in one or other of the following circumstances:

(i) The case involves a grave offence like murder, dacoity, robbery, rape etc., and it is necessary to arrest the accused and bring his movements under restraint to infuse confidence among the terror stricken victims.
(ii) The accused is likely to abscond and evade the processes of law.

(iii) The accused is given to violent behavior and is likely to commit further offences unless his movements are brought under restraint.

(iv) The accused is a habitual offender and unless kept in custody he is likely to commit similar offences again. It would be desirable to insist through departmental instructions that a police officer making an arrest should also record in the case diary the reasons for making the arrest, thereby clarifying his conformity to the specified guidelines......"

The above guidelines are merely the incidents of personal liberty guaranteed under the Constitution of India.

No arrest can be made because it is lawful for the police officer to do so. The existence of the power to arrest is one
thing. The justification for the exercise of it is quite another. The police officer must be able to justify the arrest apart
from his power to do so. Arrest and detention in police lock-up of a person can cause incalculable harm to the
reputation and self-esteem of a person. No arrest can be made in a routine manner on a mere allegation of commission
of an offence made against a person. It would be prudent for a police officer in the interest of protection of the
constitutional rights of a citizen and perhaps in his own interest that no arrest should be made without a reasonable
satisfaction reached after some investigation as to the genuineness and bona fides of a complaint and a reasonable
belief both as to the person’s complicity and even so as to the need to effect arrest. Denying a person of his liberty is a
serious matter. The recommendations of the Police Commission merely reflect the constitutional concomitants of the
fundamental right to personal liberty and freedom. A person is not liable to arrest merely on the suspicion of
complicity in an offence. There must be some reasonable justification in the opinion of the officer effecting the arrest
that such arrest is necessary and justified. Except in heinous offences, an arrest must be avoided if a police officer issues
notice to person to attend the Station House and not to leave the Station without permission would do.

21. Then, there is the right to have someone informed. That right of the arrested person, upon request, to have someone informed and to consult privately with a lawyer was recognized by Section 56(1) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984 in England (Civil Actions Against the Police Richard Clayton and Hugh Tomlinson; p. 313). That section provides:

"Where a person has been arrested and is being held in custody in a police station or other premises, he shall be entitled, if he so requests, to have one friend or relative or other person who is known to him or who is likely to take an interest in his welfare told, as soon as is practicable except to the extent that delay is permitted by this section, that he has been arrested and is being detained there."

These rights are inherent in Articles 21 and 22(1) of the Constitution and require to be recognized and scrupulously protected. For effective enforcement of these fundamental rights, we issue the following requirements:

1. An arrested person being held in custody is entitled, if he so requests to have one friend, relative or other person who is known to him or likely to take an interest in his welfare told as far as is practicable that he has been arrested and where he is being detained.

2. The police officer shall inform the arrested person when he is brought to the police station of this right.

3. An entry shall be required to be made in the diary as to who was informed of the arrest. These protections from power must be held to flow from Articles 21 and 22(1) and enforced strictly.

It shall be the duty of the Magistrate, before whom the arrested person is produced, to satisfy himself that these requirements have been complied with.

22. The above requirements shall be followed in all cases of arrest till legal provisions are made in this behalf. These requirements shall be in addition to the rights of the arrested persons found in the various police manuals.

23. These requirements are not exhaustive. The Directors General of Police of all the States in India shall issue
necessary instructions requiring due observance of these requirements. In addition, departmental instruction shall also
be issued that a police officer making an arrest should also record in the case diary, the reasons for making the arrest.


Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     20 December 2010

unwarranted unnecessary use of force leads to rise of terrorism.

no person can be arrested without any crime , these are civilians not criminals.

ashutosh ji i wud suggest you to read basics of criminal law in india .

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     20 December 2010

no person can be arrested just for sake of arresting him, see underlying order to prevent arrests in fake complaints.



Standing Order




No.                      Issue Date

330/2007             08/11/2007




Issued By

Commissioner of Police




Issuing Unit                                    Issuing Branch

Police Head Quarters                        C&T (Ac-5)


Standing Order No 330/2007



The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Joginder Kumar Vs. State of UP (Crl.WP No 9 of 1994) made the following observation :-


1.   No  arrest  can  be  made  because  it  is  lawful  for  the  Police  Officer  to  do  so.  The
existence of the power to arrest is one thing. The justification for the exercise of
     it  is  quite  another.  The  Police  Officer  must  be  able  to  justify  the  arrest  a  part
from his power to do so.

2.   No arrest can be made in a routine manner on a mere allegation of commission of an
     offence  made  against  a  person …….no  arrest  should  be  made  with  out  a  reasonable

satisfaction reached after some investigation as to the genuineness and bonafides of a complaint and a reasonable belief both as to the person’s complicity and even so as to the need to effect arrest.

3.   A person is not liable to arrest merely on the suspicion of complicity in an offence.
There must be some reasonable justification in the opinion of the Officer effecting
     the arrest that such arrest is necessary and justified.

The following requirements also prescribed in the judgment:-


1.   An arrest person being held in custody is entitled , if he so requests to have one
     friend relative or other person who is knowing to him or likely to take an interest
     in his welfare told as far as is practicable that he has been arrested and where is
     being detained.

2.   The police Officer shall inform the arrested person when he is brought to the police
station of this right.

3.   An  entry  shall  be  required  to  be  made  in  the  Diary  as  to  who  was  informed  of  the
arrest. These protections from power must be held to flow from Article 21 and 22 (1)
     and enforced strictly.

The  Hon’ble  Supreme  Court  of  India  in  the  case  of  D.K.  Basu  Vs.  State  of  West  Bengal issued the following requirement to be followed in all cases of arrest or detention.


1.   The  police  personal  carrying  out  the  arrest  and  handling  the  interrogation  of  the
      arrestee  should  bear  accurate,  visible  and  clear  identification  and  name  tags  with
      their designation of the arrestee must be recorded in a register and the case diary.

2.   The police officer carrying out the arrest of the arrestee shall prepare a memo of
     arrest at the time of arrest and such memo shall be attested by at least one witness,
who may be either a member of the family of the arrestee or a respectable person of
     the locality from where the arrest is made. It shall also be counter signed by the
     arrestee and shall contain the time and date of arrest.

3.   A person who has been arrested or detained and is being held in custody in a police






station  or  interrogation  centre  or  other  lock-up,  shall  be  entitled  to  have  one friend  or  relative  or  other  person  known  to  him  or  having  interest  in  his  welfare being detained at the particular place unless the arresting witness of the memo of arrest is himself such a friend or a relative of the arrestee.

4.   The time, place of arrest and venue of custody of an arrestee must be notified by the
police where the next friend or relative of the arrestee lives outside of District or
     town through the legal Aid Organization in the District and the police station of the
     area concerned telephonically with in a period of 8to12 hours after the arrest.

5.   The person arrested must be made aware of his right to have someone informed of his
     arrest or detention as soon as he is put under arrest or is detained.

6.   An entry must be made in the diary at the place of detention regarding the arrest of
the person which shall also disclose the name of the next friend of the person who
has been informed of the arrest and the names and particulars of the police officials
in whose custody the arrestee is.

7.   The arrestee should where he so requests be also examined at the time of his arrest
     and major and minor injuries, if any present on his /her body must be recorded at the
time.  The  Inspection  Memo  must  be  signed  both  by  the  arrestee  and  police  officer
affecting the arrest and its copy provided to the arrestee.

8.   The  arrestee  should  be  subjected  to  medical  examination  by  a  trained  doctor  after
every 48 hours during his detention in custody by a doctor on the panel of approved
     doctors  appointed  by  director,  health  Services  should  prepare  such  a  panel  for  all
Tehsils and Districts as well.

9.   Copies of all the documents including the memo of arrest, referred to above should be
sent to the Illaqa Magistrate for his record.

10.  The  arrestee  may  be  permitted  to  meet  his  lawyer  during  interrogation  though  not
through out the interrogation.

11.  A Police control room should be provided at all district and state headquarters where
information regarding the arrest and the place of custody of the arrestee shall be
communicated  by  the  officer  causing  the  arrest,  with  in 12  hours  of  effecting  the

arrest and at the police control room it should be displayed on a conspicuous notice


The Supreme Court of India also directed that failure to comply with the said requirement shall apart from rendering the concerned official, liable for departmental action; also render him liable to be punished for contempt of Court and the proceedings for contempt of  Court  may  be  instituted  in  any  High  Court  of  the  country,  having  territorial jurisdiction  over  the  matter.  These  instructions  are  to  be  notified  at  every  police station at a conspicuous place.


The Delhi High Court in Crl. M (M) 3875/2003 in ‘Court On its Own Motion Vs CBI’ made the following  observations /directions  regarding  arrests  under  section 498A/406  IPC.  The

Court observed that Sections 498A/406 IPC which “are much abused provisions and exploited
by  the  police  and  the  victims  to  the  level  of  absurdity………..every  relative  of  the
husband,  close  or  distant  old  or  minor  is  arrested  by  the  police
…………….unless  the

allegations  are  very  serious  nature  and  highest  magnitude  arrest  should  always  be avoided”.


In  a  recent  judgment  in  criminal  appeal  Nos                                                  696/2004,748/2004,787/2004  and                                                  749/2004

pronounced on 1/11/2007, the Delhi High Court observed that      “………..In all these cases

in  the  name  of  investigation    ,  except  recording  statement  of  complainant  and  her  few

relatives  nothing  is  done  by  police.  The  police  does  not  verify  any  circumstantial evidence nor collect any other evidence about the claims made by the complainant’s family claiming spending of huge amounts is collected by the police. This all is resulting into gross misuse of the provision of law……………”.

Arrest of accused should be an exception and not a rule /routine from the allegations set
out on FIR and other subsequent allegation or material collected during investigation ,






if  necessary ,  only  the  prime      /main  accused  whose  primary  role  on  commission  of  the

offence has been established , should be arested , and that too after the prior written

approval of the DCP.

In  a  nutsheel     ,  the  IOs/SHOs  shall  mandatorily  comply  the  above  directions  in  dealing

with cases u/s 498A/406 IPC.

The  earlier  Standing  Order  issued  vide  No. 72967-730/C&T

hereby withdrawn.





No.80033-132/C&T (Ac-5)/PHQ Dated New Delhi, the 21/12/2007

Copy to:-

1.    All Spl CPs Delhi.

2.    All Joint CPs Delhi

3.    All Addl. CPs Delhi

(AC-5)/PHQ  dated 8/11/2007  is



(Yudhbir Singh Dadwal)
Commissioner of Police,

4.    All District/ Units including Princiopal /PTS and FRRO, Delhi

5.    SO to CP Delhi

6.    LA to CP, Delhi

7.    All ACPs PHQ.

8.    HAR/PHQwith 10 spare copies.

9.    I/C Central Library/PHQ.


Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     20 December 2010

similar order was issued in delhi , up , karnataka , andhra pradesh and almost all states where this act is being misused. even union home minister had to write to all state secretaries to issue orders to DGPs of states in this regard. this act is being grossly misused while real victims are still victimised.

5 % criminal bent husbands do not fear even this law and continue to victimise women , while 95%  innocent husbands are being victimised in the garb of protection of women.

law shud be modified in a manner so that 498a cannot be used to settle personal scores and avenge breaking of relationship. while in cases where there are proofs of attempt to murder/ murder shud be given only capital punishment.

i know some of advocates will not like these views to modify the law in this manner as this harms their financial interests.

people such as mr.ashutosh who are ignorant of  basics of criminal law and present day social scenario will continue to harp raga of pseudo-feminism.

real feminist movement has somewhere lost its appeal due to its mixture with populist measures by corrupt brainless politicians. we need a real revolution to save women from being victimised , while at same time protecting interests of innocent families. may god spare some brain to corrupt parliamentary system.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     20 December 2010

When Police is adamant and come to arrest anyone then these judgments will not work, it will be better to follow what they say.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     20 December 2010

When Police is adamant and come to arrest anyone then these judgments will not work, it will be better to follow what they say.

Moreover I am not contradicting your lines avnishji.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     20 December 2010

OK SIR. if police is still adamant to arrest a person without proper investigation such police officer risks loosing the job. so nothing to worry for the innocent, only he needs to suffer and fight.

police tabhi sudheregi.

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