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Vidya (Manager - HR)     17 March 2012

Husband's extra marital affair - need advice


I am married and my husband is carrying an extra marital affair. Despite asking him several times he is not providing his mobile bills and other details. I have recently got married in aug 2011 and feels that he has also given me his false employment details like the salary, previous company releiving dates etc.

Hence I would request you to let me know whether I can get his phone bills records and employment details by filing a case but the condition being that my husband should not come to know that I have filed a case against him.

Please provide your inputs as i m very depressed with the things going on.





 4 Replies

Anoop Deshpande (lawyer)     17 March 2012

Dear Vidya,


If you file any case, according to the rules of natural justice, the court shall not pass any order against anybody without giving opportunity of being heard.


You can try to get bills from unofficial manner


Anoop Deshpande


adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     17 March 2012

After filing the case summons will be issued to the husband.  In his absence case cannot be decided.

Vidya (Manager - HR)     22 March 2012

Hi Anoop,

Thanks for your reply. And in case of getting his bills i tried all my sources but unable to get it. Now to get a itemised bill has become very difficult.

If there any more concerns i will get in touch with you.






Vidya (Manager - HR)     22 March 2012

Hi Rajeev ,

Thanks a lot .

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