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Raj Pratap (--)     30 November 2015

How to return wife's educational documents properly

My wife and inlaws have filed DV and dowry (498a DP3/4 etc). Before we started to live separately, she forgot her educational documents at my place, which is abroad. Afterwards she started to give me threats for her documents and wanted me to bring (or send) her documents to her doorstep. I have already send her docs to India and I want to give back her docs but don't want to get in any other trouble. I don't want to give those backswithout getting a written proof that she has recieved everything intact. 

Last time I contacted Father in law (before I got to know 498a &DP3/4) he was adamant that the docs should reach to his home first and only after that he will discuss anything.

Please suggest how to properly return her educational documents and save myself from any hassle for those. Can I send her notice (legal) for not contacting for her doucments?


 7 Replies

H.JanakiManohar Rao (lawyer)     30 November 2015

U contact her by email and inform her that her origionals are in tact and with u and u will send by registered acknowldegment

.Regarding DV  u have to file counter and the case will take it's own course and continue.

FightForCause (Businessman)     30 November 2015

If u or ur relatives are attending the DV case, then in that case tell the judge that they have demanded their ducation documents from you and u are ready to give them in the court so that no descrepency remains later. Prepare a Pursis that as discussed you are submitting the following documents



3 etc

Most probably judge will accept the pursis and then u have  court document to show that u have returned her education documents

Write every document in the list which you avoid problems in future.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     30 November 2015

Later obtain certified copiesof acknowledgment.

Nitish Banka (lawyer)     30 November 2015

you can handover in court and record the same in order sheet


Adv, Nitish Banka


Born Fighter (xxx)     02 December 2015

Handit over to the court and also inform the court about her educational qualifications to DENY OR REDUCE MAINTENANCE 

Raj Pratap (--)     03 December 2015

Thanks for the valued suggestions. She well educated (PhD) and worked as a Asst. Prof. earlier in a reputed universities. So, I am not sure if there is any reason for maintenance.


prabhakar advocate (advocate)     03 December 2015

In DV case move an appropriate application saying that she is demanding her educational certificates and you are ready to hand over it.  Take originals along with application and handover them before the judge and get the fact recorded.

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