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ankurgupta   27 April 2015

How is basically domestic violence proved?

We all know about Wife filing false DV and 498a cases to extort money. The same is my story.

Question is:- Can anyone confirm how is this domestic violence proved? My wife and myself exchanged a few heated emails in which we "both" abused each other. There are a few recordings in which we had fights and arguments - just normal matrimonial petty issues. BUT she left house willfully a year back and now has filed DV/498a just to extort money. They asked 25 lakhs for MCD but we denied and hence the cases now.

So, how is basically this DV and 498a proved?



 1 Replies

richardjohnson   27 April 2015

Unscrupulous women’s main motivation is an extraction and extortion of money. Many of them are not even bothered about getting a divorce, since probably a married status with maintenance works very well, especially for those with children. As long as they are able to extract a high maintenance every month, they can coolly wait for husband to lose patience and agree to a lump-sum settlement. Most important, collect proofs of wife’s working, income, job profiles etc.

1) Check her facebook profile for any pictures at workplace

2) Check Linkedin profile and other JOB SITES for wife’s profile

3) Any business card in name of wife which shows her name, company designation? 

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