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How easy/difficult is disowning/ownign parents?

Page no : 2

**Victim** (job)     17 November 2011

What about parents seeking maintenance under Crpc 125 ?

Arvind Sehdev (Advocate)     17 November 2011

S.125 clearly states that

(1) If any person leaving sufficient means neglects or refuses to maintain-

(d) His father or mother, unable to maintain himself or herself,

So if parents are not able to maintain themselves they can surely file under this Section.

They have a right....

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**Victim** (job)     17 November 2011

Someone like me would love to be sued by parents go ahead ayush better pay maintenance to parents.

Shivaji Rao (worker)     17 November 2011

my parents are well off. 

This is to avoid my parents getting troubled by my wife as she is greedy and threatening with 498a.

Arvind Sehdev (Advocate)     17 November 2011

Mr. Ayush you can show many kinds of expenditures on your parents... it's for you to decide what kinds....

Medical, transportation, food, etc etc your wish.... Just dont ask them to come to your house.... you may keep on sitting there for hours and hours everyday but for now you will have to keep them out of it....


Did you know that if a wife refuses to live with the husband's parents it is a valid ground for divorce as it amounts to mental cruelity. there is a SC judgment on this.....

**Victim** (job)     17 November 2011

Ayush if she files 498 (a) burden lies on her to prove it. Once the FIR is registered in police station chargesheet has to be submitted in court and that's where she has to prove that you or your family members demanded dowry. Don't be panic if this is the only reason you are trying to keep your parents off the hook then no matter what you do on your end when 498 (a) is lodged in police station police will ask the people who's name is involved in complain to come in police station.

From my personal experience police will try to put a bit of pressure to settle the issue without filing FIR if you don't agree to pay her any money then the case goes in court where the burden lies on the complainant to prove that she has been harassed by her husband for dowry. I have personally gone through this and the same way just the way you are thinking i didn't wanted my parents to get involved in this so i during the whole process it was only me & me. My wife was called to police station to settle the issue and she asked for alimony i denied and then case was transferred to court let her prove that you demanded dowry.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     17 November 2011

YOu can not disown parents, parents can disown you and later accept you in the family fold whenever they want.





Shonee Kapoor

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     17 November 2011

You may start living separately but you are morally, socially and legally liable to look-after and maintain your parents.

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