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Kiran (Consultant)     30 March 2010

High Court Appeal Case Procedure

Dear Friends,

I have filed an appeal  for my divorce on 15th March 2010  in the high court. My Lawyer filed an expedite petition also along with my appeal in High court. How long will it take for the Divorce appeal case to come to Judgement stage in the High court if expedite petition is also filed? What is the Procedure in HIGH court for divorce appeal?  My High court Lawyer's clerk is syaing only in June 2010 the Proceedings will start as High court will have summer holidays starting shortly. Will  the notice for my divorce appeal go to my wife in June 2010?

Also I want to track the case status online and I found one useful website:

In this website I think the Main/S.R.NO. is the case number. I am NOT sure what is MAIN/S.R TYPE? In case of Divorce appeals in High Court, what should I fill in in this field to get the case status? MAIN/S.R TYPE is a mndatory field without which I am NOT able to query the case status.

Also how frequently the Case status in updated on Internet?  Will this information be up-to-date to check the Case Status?

Thank you in anticipation!


 5 Replies


1. "Frame" above questions inteligently and RTI them to AP HC in flat 15-20 days you will get all "authentic" replies straight from CPIO / PIO AP HC and you will also do favor to other litigant under AP HC if you add some more question on "backend support" part of maintaining HC website by which will go down a longer way in larger 'public interest"
All the best.

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     30 March 2010

every high court has its own procedure which is mentioned in Rules and Procedure adopted by it, talk to ur lawyer in this regard. 


Dear Author,

U can get the status of the case by filing the either the name of the appellant or resp[ondent with the year option when the said appeal is filed. If need any help u can call me at 9871158578. But usually on the very next day of the filing the matter is put up for consideration. I am not able to understand as to y in june 2010 in June there are Summer Vacation from 5th to 30th.

Kiran (Consultant)     02 April 2010

Hello Sir,

Thanks for giving your mobile number. What is the website which gives the status of the case filed in Andhra Pradesh High court?

Could you please give the exact link so that I can try..


GO TO  https://

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