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Sreenivas V (S/W)     31 August 2010

Help - Reinvestigation


Could any one suggest or clarify me on the following question.

498A was filed on me in June 2008. A FIR was also registered. In September 2009 local court issued summons to the other party to come to court and tell about the allegations put on me and my family. But for some reason or other they tried to avoid it. Later in January 2010 they put a petition saying they need a reinvestigation on the case. The judge after 4 months cancelled the petition. The Judge got transferred and a new Judge came. Now they put a letter to police and this time Police applied for reinvestigation. Our lawyer filed a counter for it. But afterwards due to illness he could not attend the day it was there for hearing. So for that reason the Judge is saying he allowed the reinvestigation petition. Now our lawyer suggested us to apply it in High Court. But the judge is not giving supreme order instead he is saying he will give only something called duct order (non supreme order only). But some are saying this order will not be accepted in HC to apply.

So could any one of you suggest me if this is true or is there any other way to get the order from the Judge or to apply in HC.

Thanks in advance.


 2 Replies

Jagjeet (peon)     31 August 2010


Sreenivas V (S/W)     31 August 2010

I sent it in a private message to you

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