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Rajesh (engineer)     30 July 2014

Help on divorce


i got married to my wife feb 2012,She had a crush for a guy before marriage.Even after engagement she had seeked pleasure in meeting and talking to that guy(Emails shows that).After marriage things seemed find to me.After my travel for 4 weeks to out of country,Noticed she was being very distant from me.When checked her mails,She said it was just a well-wisher, when asked about the words,she said he was in love before and his spoling his life and wants to be well wisher.She then immediately said, she cannot live with me anymore and wanted divorce.After recoverign her deleted email and phone records, found out that She had be in constanty touch with that guy over phone/email and in person.That person had taken advantage over her with words and had used intimate words with her.When i saw this asked her she said she didnt do anything wrong and those guys only talked with her.Then cooled mysef thinking , she was just trying to be nice.

Then figured out that she had not discouraged those guys and had even sent them photographs and had dressed in the way he wanted her.

She threatened me with commiting suicde and pleaded that she stay till her brother marriage.
She aggreed to apply for mutual consent and we both applied on dec 2013

after her brother marriage she is saying she will not give mutual consent and she says that the mail that i have is all fake.

Please help me in understanding what next i can do?
I am really suffering a lot ,having trusted this female again and again.

I have mails as proof,I had recorded her converstaions with her mother,where she talks about me without respect to her mother.brother and also talsk bad about my family for no mistake of theres.


 8 Replies

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     30 July 2014

File divorce on the basis of cruelty and Audultary grounds. Use the 13 B and her withdrawal as one of the evidence and find a good lawyer and and don't disclose the evidences until your evidence stage.

Preserve the evidences in a safe place and court will definitely accept the electronic evidences and family courts also encourages to get the authenticated via sec 65 B of indian evidence act.

You have nice case to deal with. Since you have decided for divorce have that thought in mind and aim for that. Once bitten twice Shy. these kind of females will never changes.

I'm rest assured that your wife's side will come for negotiation. Accept MCD with mutually agreed terms and get out of this bad marriage.


Best of luck

sankar P (supervisor)     30 July 2014

Experts are requested to guide some more suggestions Many thanks, Regards, Shankar.

Rajesh (engineer)     31 July 2014

Thanks everyone for all your prompt and useful replies.

I wanted to clarify few things.

1)The emails and voice recordings don't show adultery as stated by law,It shows that they were quite close with each other.

2)The photos sent werent not obscene photos, They were here solo photos.

Would these proofs qualify for proving that she had cheated me?

3)Most of the conversation, i see the guy trying to be initmate and she is not saying very intimate,at the same time doesn't object it and continues to talk with him.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     01 August 2014

Mere chatting on internet and talking over phone would not constitute extra marital relationship amounting to cruelty for a marital discord/dispute.  The evidences in your possession will not be sufficient to prove your allegations against her.  Well, if you are suspicious about her character there won't be an answer to this despite any amount of counseling given to you because the disease called suspicion in the mind of married men against their spouse will be a deadly disease which has not cure in the world and cannot be cured until the affected person realises and reforms himself.  Under the given situation if you still want to get rid of her from your life, better talk to her and file a divorce under Mutual consent or better reconcile and start a fresh life with her forgetting all those happened in the past as bad dream and never ever open the topic.  think wisely about saving the marriage or to spoil our peace for another three to five years lingering around the court with litigation.

Rajesh (engineer)     03 August 2014

It was not a case of mere chatting,This guy had been repeatedly chatting with her badly, and she didnt think about stoping the converstation with him  and continued to talk with him,

I expected this from her as wife,Tell him not talk with and stop talking with him once and for all.

What was done by her is continute talking with such persons over possible media and sendinf photos to such person, Does this mean that her intention was correct and she had lot of respect for our marriage.
If she had respect for our marriage , she should have stopped.

She had continued to do this, even after i had given her a chance after knowing that she spoke with him.

About your claims on my disease of suspision,
I trusted her blindly before this incident, when she said she cannot give her mobile to me and let me open her gmail.She broke the solid trust that i had on her.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     03 August 2014

Trust and faith is the base for life.  You seem to have lost both, next whatever she does will be on your scanner or will be looked with a suspicious eyes only, hence better think about the present and future, analyse pros and cons and make a call accordingly.

Biswanath Roy (Advocate)     06 August 2014


Rajesh (engineer)     26 August 2014

I appreciate the effort to make a marriage work in general.

But i strongly  believe i have tried to work this out for a long time.I have tried it to make it work for the past 1 and a half  years and giving up now. People can't just not fool each other and live for the sake of society.

That will be injustice to each other, as well as the future that you might bring in to the world.

Doing an injustice to your kids is the worst crime that anyone can do for no mistake of the kid.

"When trust is lost everything is lost", You can get over any kind of differences.

but if trust is lost over and over, Can you people please  suggest how to get it back and lead a true life.

It is very easy to say give it a chance, you can make things work.I have heard all this and have tried all this.I don't mean to say that you are all wrong.

I think i would have also done the same thing to someone else, if they were in the same situation as i am in, asking them to reconcile, As i would also think i might be doing good without knowing that the other person had really gone through and goes through.

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