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amit   16 July 2015

habeus corpus writ

Yes mr.N.k.Assumi/mr. Biswanath roy/ mr. P.Venu/Mr. Rajendra k. goyal. She adult but not consent marriage with him. because he is (maasi ka ladaka) means cousin brother and than how can marry with her. It is unlawful and avidence and wittness are also showing that she kidnapped actually but now these are not matter. And kidnapper married in aarya samaj mandir. And then she/ he (or dont know who is or how) file a petition in high court which that without prima facia and without arresting she and other three petitoner U know And lyk she want to go for 164ipc in court own willing. Becouse she did marry with him in temple lyk goes in petition. and Then police didnt arrested them. Atleast kidnapper able to reach your own goal. It seems lyk one sided love. her parent's says. and another thing is 2nd party of her parrents who give FIR against him dhara 366ipc 363ipc filled by the police but they gave enough time to him. and also police exresise about witnesses ( a lady And a10 year old child). And also police got him mob. no. But didnt tress him. and finally police could not arrested them bcs they have an order from high court. such as above petition and nobody inform her parreents about that and After the complition of 164ipc record parrents got information about that. Now her paarents in big shock. And they said it is wrong becsuse when she record recorded she is in under control of kidnapper and she is not able to take right decission becouse of fear of any kind. u know so they want to meet with her but still they dont know about her where is she. still they dont know she is live or not. or she did sell anyone. And one thing Is more Intresting Kidnappers parrents which are not copreting becouse of fear of jail and they also involve in it. says her parents. however they relative lyk girls mother and kidnapper mom having blood relation lyk sisters. And now police has been prepaird charge sheet. Thx. (I m relative of her). by amit on 16 July 2015 Pls tell me about habeus corpus how can it work how is help full In it. And after filing the habeus corpus how much time will take far the preliminary hearing by judge. it Is more than 10 days or not.


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