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Gender biased rape law of india.

i know that there are some people who has some pre conceived notion about rape. they should not read this thread for their safety. otherwise their heart would be broken, their blood pressure would go up and finally either they have a massive attack or they will go mad or they will die laughing. but i want a solid reply and not any of these things mentioned above.

the pre- conceived notions held by people about rape is/are follows:

1] when a woman is reporting rape, rape must have happened.

2] even if there is no resistance and if hymen is not raptured, still there is    rape.

3] rape is the greatest violence to woman.

based on above mentioned false believes, our lawmakers make some deadly law that is so biased to men that i am afraid the purpose of justice will not be served.they make the following law:

1] penetration happened even if hymen is intact. the slightest touch of penis into v**gina means penetration!!!!!.

2] consent is absent even if there is no sign of resistance on part of woman.

3] consent cannot be inferred from circumstances of the case.

4] there should be speedy trials in rape cases so that the victim gets justice as    it is rightly stated that “Justice delayed is justice denied.”

the consequence of this above mentioned law is the creation of a rape law which is very biased to men.

how? this way:

1] when a woman is reporting rape, rape must have happened.

this notion means that presumption of guilt unless proven innocent which is just the opposite of rule of fair trial which emphasize: presumption of innocense unless proven guilty.

2] penetration happened even if hymen is intact. the slightest touch of penis into v**gina means penetration!!!!!.

what is the difference then between an virgin and a rape victim? since rape is a s*xual offence, a virgin cannot be said to be raped.

3]consent is absent even if there is no sign of resistance on part of woman.

what is the difference between a consensual s*x and rape then? sign of resistance means absense of consent not only in rape case but also in common sense.a sign of a punch means someone really don't agree with you.

4]consent cannot be inferred from circumstances of the case.

then from where consent can be inferred? from the sole testimony of victim? how unfair.

5] there should be speedy trials in rape cases so that the victim gets justice as    it is rightly stated that “Justice delayed is justice denied.”

why speedy trial? the man cannot get enough time to defend himself properly and Justice delayed is not justice denied in all cases and not in rape cases because the men must be given opportunity to defend himself properly.

this gender biased rape law is a shame in the face of justice. it is highly partial towards woman. partiality is not a sign of justice. therefore this rape law is not giving justice.


 3 Replies


i think there should be a difference between rape victim and ordinary woman.


the rape victim should have the following signs:

1] penetration proved in medical report. hymen  if any, ruptured.


2] sufficient sign of resistance in body. bruises, sign of beating, or force. this shows absense of consent.


ordinary woman should  not have the second sign i.e. the sign of resistance.


then we can objectively and clearly distinguish a rap victim from an ordinary woman.


i am not supposing that woman who does not have sign of resistance did not consent.




I am separated from wife since threaa years......i was having friendship with a girl after marriage ,wife come to know about that and misbehaved the girl very much.i was angry so decided to marry the girl and divorce wife,my wife came to know and filed 489a and dv and living my new house with dv.

now how shoild i proceed and get divorce from wife under this scensrio. and how to save the property from her.I have 2 girls 10 years and 7 years old.

i not want to live with this wife who let my affair know to the world and fights with me with this girlfriend issue.


dear gulab


why you are separated from your wife for 3 years? please give reply.

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