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srinivas (Software engineer)     21 January 2014

Lend moeny to other person , with promisory note written

Hi Sir,

  I have lent some money to another person and I took promisory note for the same amount. dualy signed by the borrower  on 1/- stam paper and with 2 other witness

1)  Can this promisory note is a legal document?

2)  for how long is this document valid?

3) If the borrower is  troubling in repaying  the amount, how can I use this document legally to get my money back.

Can you please answer my questions.

Thank you,



 2 Replies

sridhar pasumarthy (ADVOCATE)     21 January 2014

1. yes

2. 3 years from the date of promissory note

3. File a civil suit for recovery of money.

srinivas (Software engineer)     21 January 2014

Thank you sir , very much for the answers.

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