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False Rape Case

Page no : 2

Subhajit Dutta (Engineer)     25 January 2011

  Dear Sirs,
Myself Subrata Das , after completion of my B-Tech degree i joined a MNC company and working since 3 years and now i am staying at Delhi, My problem is that 6 month ago my elder brother get married by arranged (2nd Aug-10) and after that they was not happy each other which was noticed by other family members. They were not talking each other and not shear the same bed room. And after some day it\'s becomes more problem and one day she left our house without any information (7th DEC 10). Then my father try to understand both but no one want to live together and from girl’s family member demand very high money from us. In actual that is not possible for us. And then after some day (11th Jan-11) she put a case against my five family members ( My brother, Father, Mother, Me & my unty). Allegations is that \"\"my brother just marriage her but they had no s*x relation but my all family members forced her to s*x with me(Subrata) and at least she agree due to forced and my family members pushed her to my bed room and lock the door out side in every night (when i was in home on leave) and i raped her. And during the Durga puja My & brother friends drank (20 no’s) and we(me & brother) lock the door outside for friends enjoyment with her\'\'\'\'\' and lots of things,, now i don\'t know what i will do ?? i don\'t know about legal system?? how can i get the bell??? How can i save the job?? Please help me sir..Give me some idea..I don\'t know why she did this type of false case ...please help me.

ramesh (student)     23 January 2013

Mr Krishna,

      First of all mistake is committed when you come to know that  was not  as per your wish. Then you would have started collecting evidences in  in written forms i.e. love letter, etc which is concrete proof of love consensual s*x not rape. Still you have enough evidence that you are not guilty. Now she already filed an FIR on you as well as your family members.Now you & family can file defamation case in court / can lodge fir. Then there is possibility that she could withdrwa rape case. or  rape case could become farther weakern in court.


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