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Priya Rane   04 June 2018

false marriage promise

my bf wasted my 10yrs by giving false marriage promise and used me physicaly against my consent and blackmailed me. which ipc it comes ? he should marry me or he must get legal punishment jail. ? what first step i should take


 2 Replies

Pawan S (Advocate)     05 June 2018

Querist, It solely depends on how you want to proceed.

1. Fight to get the justice.

The Court proceeding may be time consuming and you have to wait for years to get the verdict. These cases are enough to make his life hell. In general, after these cases accuse approach the petitioner for the withdrawal of the cases. And petitioner becomes hostile as a part of out of court settlement. So, you can either claim money or ask him to marry you, as a part of the settlement. Claiming money is the best selection. Marriage will not ferment, but after the marriage, again, you will get the opportunity of filing matrimonial suits. You can lodge FIR & file cases u/s 375 (Rape), 417 (Punishment of cheating) against him.   I don’t guess about the verdict of these cases, at least you can harass him.


2. Forget everything and move forward.



Pawan Saha

Priya Rane   06 June 2018

i want justice , what should i do first now ? shall i lodge FIR to police station, they will ask medical test ? as i not met him frm 6months or ask lawyer to send notice to him or drafting to police station? what are easy and fast way. ? what are the steps to get justice without going to court bcoz its time consuming as u said. i want to marry him but after marriage he should not take revenge or get himself transfer to other state and harrass me,he cant run away by giving little money and enjoy life with other girl. he wasted my time by giving fake marriage assuarance n kept me waiting .. he also demanded property from us which i have proof. i dont want him to marry else bcoz he wasted my 10yrs and age wasted. compensation cannot fulfil the pain he gave and wasted my age, still how much compensation court allows ?. he is only son but have sisters so he cannot separate from mom dad. his mom dont like other community girl so she can harass me... i want to marry him but with my n my parents safety and security , we can stop his transfer to other state ?. i dont have siblings .he have to take care my parents or allow me to take care of them.

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