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Gaurav (consultant)     05 May 2013

Dont let irbm come in picture


As you all aware that goverment is planning to introduce IrBM (irretrievable breakdown of marriage) to destroy marriage.

Please join SIFF yahoo group (save indian family foundation) and be a part of activism.

One can contribute through twitter, facebook, sending FAX to law minister, joining protest against IrBM.

Demand is to Roll back IrBM. It is not accepted in any form.

Major consideration under this law:

  1. Wife will get 50% share in husband and his ancestrol movable and immovable assets.
  2. Wife's qualification and assets will not be considered while dividing the property.
  3. Wife's ancestral property will not be considered while dividing the property.
  4. Duration of marriage  will not be considered while dividing the property.
  5. Husband's liability  will not be considered while dividing the property.
  6. Husband cannot oppose divorce filed by wife.
  7. Wife can oppose divorce filed by husband.



Its absolutely a biased law like 498a, DV, 125, 24.

Our demand is to roll back IrBM. It is not accepted in any form.

Even milder form of IrBM is not accepted.

Please join the activism.

Its do or die situation for us.


 2 Replies


Future husbands.

Keep these points in mind.


  1. Wife will get 50% share in husband and his ancestrol movable and immovable assets.
  2. Wife's qualification and assets will not be considered while dividing the property.
  3. Wife's ancestral property will not be considered while dividing the property.
  4. Duration of marriage  will not be considered while dividing the property.
  5. Husband's liability  will not be considered while dividing the property.
  6. Husband cannot oppose divorce filed by wife.
  7. Wife can oppose divorce filed by husband.

Take preventive measure before you jump in.

Remember prevention is better than cure.



Irretrievable breakdown is sorely needed in many cases of long duration of separate lives

@Helping hands

The men will not be granted divorce only if the women can show that she will be subjected to severe financial hardship if divorce is granted.So metro women cannot benefit.

Only drawback is including inherited property/property acquired before marriage in settlement.It doesn`t happen in other civilised countries and will create a condition where women marry for money and start divorce proceedings after 1 or 2 years of marriage.

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