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Anjali Shrivastava   17 July 2019

regarding absconding!!!! urgent

Hello please help I really got tired and frustrated :
Resignation mail on 9th march :

It is with a heavy heart that I must  immediately resign my position and would like to give you my formal notice of resignation.

As you are aware, I have had a few problems with my father's illness and unfortunately it is with this illness that I have decided to hand my resignation in so that I can take better care of him during this difficult time. 
I appreciate this will be also very difficult time for the company but I feel that I have been left with little options at this time. 
I can do everything I can and even after I have left your employment I am happy to be contacted where necessary to ensure that you do not have any problems to transferring my role to someone else.
I truly hope that my resignation does not cause you any sort of inconvenience. Please let  me know what I can do to make this a smooth transition for the entire department. I would like to thank you for your graciously help and support that you have given me during my employment and over past months especially when I went under unexpected surgery. It has been a remarkable experience and I feel I have gained a lot of knowledge that I can take with me into my future pursuits should the time come for me to return to work.
I will miss being associated with team. Working for company name under mam and sir's guidance has enlightened me in every aspect and  has also given me the insight and hands on experience in recruitment industry. My colleagues and team members were very supportive specially team lead name. I learned from TL name how to handle the candidates into the difficult situations also and how to handle them politely and many more .Thank you for making my tenure here an unforgettable one.
Kindly accept this letter as my official notice if resignation. It has been a pleasure working with company name Wishing everyone success in their future endeavours.
Should you require any additional information from me, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be more than happy to assist.

Reply I received on 18th March :

We refer your irresponsible mail regarding resignation in mail trail. We were observing your unprofessional behaviour for over 2 months (You had been taking frequent unplanned leaves) and had given several warnings verbally. Now your sudden resignation mail even without any information to the company clearly reveals your malafide intentions as even the office charge/property has not been handed over. Now before going in to further details we advise you to immediately rejoin and serve the Notice Period as per Appointment Letter issued and hand over/official charge without any further delay. Needless to mention that you are required to serve the notice period as per the terms of the appointment letter issued.
We hope that keeping the seriousness of the official issue you would fulfil the above requirements before we take any further action.

My reply on 24th March :

I was disappointed to receive your letter of rejection in the below mail in which you directly violated my resignation and request made therein. Moreover, you had put wrong allegations on me regarding leaves after knowing complete facts. I took leaves from 12th Feb for attending my cousin's marriage but as my father was already admitted in the central government hospital and his condition was becoming worse day by day all the plan got canceled and he was immediately referred to CMC Vellore from there.
As his treatment was going on in Sir Ganga Ram hospital Delhi by Dr. Sudhir Tripathi we came to consult him before moving to Vellore on 18th February 2019. That was the only day when I came to Delhi but instead of going with my father I send him with my brother and came to attend office after knowing that they needed me at that time but also I came to update you all the situations face to face. I updated each and every aspects to mam verbally that I'll be traveling Vellore and it won't be possible for me to come for the office for some days and I'll update once reach there and the situation gets better
After knowing all the facts you have given this statement below "your unprofessional behavior for over 2 months (You had been taking frequent unplanned leaves) and had given several warnings verbally"
I realize ideally I should serve notice period but because of my family's conditions, I had no other option but to immediately move to my hometown. Rest assured I will handover the assets of Company, which are in my possession, either by courier or in-person once I revisit Delhi.
I had given intimation of my decision of exit to mam on 5th March 2019 as I was also not aware how much time it was going to take. Please see that you finalize the process immediately.

Mail received from company on 2nd April :

This is in reference to your e-mail dated 9-3-2019 and subsequent call from your end wherein you have requested to accept the resignation vide e-mail dated 9-3-2019 and submit the Office Property and proceed ahead with relieving formalities. You had been taking frequent leaves for one reasons to another which are not acceptable to us due to which we have faced losses on the work not being delivered. It is stated that initially you have taken leaves from our office for the reasons of ill health of your father however it came to the knowledge of the undersigned as per your information that you have joined another Company in Bangalore which is a gross violation of your Terms and conditions of Employment executed with our Company. It is stated that you have not yet been relieved from current organization. This shows your malafide intention of causing a wrongful loss to our Company and wrongful gain to yourself. The summersault of story of leaving for father health and then suddenly Joining another organization after sending the mentioned mail on 24th March 2019 is indicative of the breach of trust and intent to cause wrongful loss through your unplanned leaving the organization. The clear case of violation of Terms of Employment and causing loss to the company intentionally. It is stated that you have committed the offence of criminal breach of trust and dishonesty.

Now your sudden resignation mail even without any information to the company clearly reveals your malafide intentions as even the office charge/property has not been handed over. Now before going in to further details we advise you to immediately rejoin and serve the Notice Period as per Appointment Letter issued and hand over/official charge without any further delay. Needless to mention that you are required to serve the notice period as per the terms of the appointment letter issued, which needs to be respected in Letter as well as Spirit. 

We hope that keeping the seriousness of the official issue you would fulfill the above requirements without fail.

Mail I received on 17th April :


I replied on 18th April :

Firstly, I would like to apologies for the inconvenience caused due to my abrupt plan of leaving the organization. Believe me, I would have never left your esteem company if it was not for my father’s health condition. Regarding the company asset, be rest assured that I have already couriered it yesterday at Delhi office address via DTDC courier services with ETA of a week.

Whilst having explained all the issues about my father’s health and also having had a face to face discussion with mam on 18th of February, I can tell that all the leaves I have taken from February 12th till my official resignation date has been legit. I have attached my father’s medical documents and doctor’s communications for evidence. I will be completely honest with you, yes, I have joined a new organization in Bangalore location, reason being my father’s extreme health situation (already explained in my email before). It was becoming very expensive and difficult for me to travel to and fro from Delhi to Vellore for my father’s treatment. He is still ailing and is in Vellore for his tests and treatment, therefore I took a job in Bangalore so that it would be easy for me to travel and support my family personally and financially. Nevertheless, I did give a formal resignation to company name before my joining in Bangalore
Also, to bring it to your kind notice, the only piece of document shared to me while joining the company was hard copy of “Letter of Intent” and it does not reveal/states any of my terms of employment with the company. However, there was roughly 15-20-page document that was asked to sign while joining and a copy was never shared to me.
I do understand I should serve 2 months’ notice to comply with company’s policy but keeping in mind my father’s critical health situation I would plead to consider and accept pay in lieu of 2 months’ notice after deducting the amount that I should receive in my full and final settlement from the company.
I really hope you understand my situation and how one’s family is really important above anything. I will wait for your reply on this.

Note : Enclosing all the documents related to my father’s treatment and check-up for your perusal.

Mail on 11th June :

As per our last telecon, the response is still awaited.

I replied on 20th June :

As per our previous discussion due to my family's financial status it is not possible for me to pay the amount you asked as all the money is going in the treatment.Currently I am in Vellore only from this week and the treatment is going on
I will be very helpful if you can understand my situation. Thankyou so much for your consideration.

Again mail I received on 13th July

We are surprised at your summersault in closing the long pending issue of your F&F. It is completely false allegation that we had a discussion regarding your non payment but rather we had been assured that you will pay in 2 installments starting immediately and you will be sharing the same by the end of the day on the said call.
We never asked you for any Amount (As mentioned by you that we asked you )but rather you are liable to Pay 2 Month’s Salary in lieu of your Notice Period not to mention the losses occurred due to your sudden leaving the organization. It has been many months since you are delaying on wrongful grounds delaying the payment and are still in Dual Employment as you have not been relived from Selective and brazenly working with company name . (Bangalore Office) (current company's official id) inspite of being employed with last company name till date.
Treat this as Last and Final Reminder before we  will have no other alternate but to go Legal and file the case for recovery of Damages as well as Dual Employment. You are actively working with your present organization in Bangalore and we will be forced to serve Notices to all the parties involved including your present employer as you are in illegal Dual Employment.
Awaiting the settlement as per Terms of Appointment Issued to you without Fail on or before 20th July 2019.

I replied on 14th July :

I saw your mail yesterday, and it was not the right time to call you at that time so I tried reaching Sir, on his landline,mam this morning multiple times but no one is responding to the calls. So I am writing this as per my previous conversation with sir, I never committed that I will pay the amount in 2 installments even I requested him that I am ready to pay by 5000 monthlies as I am having the same salary here what I was getting in selective and it is quite impossible for me to give 17000 once and pay rest of the amount in next as asked by Ranjit Sir. I was ready to start the installments immediately but he was not ready for that.
Yes, you were right you never asked I was ready to either come and serve the complete 2 months of notice period or Pay 2 Month’s Salary in lieu of your Notice Period. Because I left your company suddenly but only because my family needed me at that time and that was the reason, I was ready to pay but not at once.
Here comes about my dual employment issue joining current company was not my choice but just a reason as I have to stay in Bangalore because every 2 – 3 months I have to take 1 week of leave and go to vellore and that was quite hard for me to do it from Delhi. When I spoke to sir, I said him I am ready to resign from current company , serve 15 days’ notice period as per the rule and come and serve complete 2 months of notice period of your company if you want because he said it is not required you can continue that is the reason I am working here till date.
Now I also want to finish this asap, I am ready to come and serve your 2 months of Notice period resigning here otherwise as I am not able to pay any amount as asked by sir at once as i don't have that much salary I am ready to pay 5000 monthly, Please do let me know i will be waiting for your reply.

Please help!!!!!


 4 Replies

surinder mittal   17 July 2019

the immediate notice period is 24 hours or 1 to 3 months or salary in lieu of that...

surinder mittal   17 July 2019

ur resignation should have an equal amount Demand Draft - in case u wanna leave with 24 hours notice.

Surinder Mittal
WhatsApp : 9417583939

Anjali Shrivastava   18 July 2019

I have not mentioned any if and but. I don't want any experience letter not even relieving letter

Anjali Shrivastava   18 July 2019

Thank you, have you read the post completely... Because I just want to know from last 5 months this is going on... I don't need fnf no experience letter. Nothing what can they do... I mean can thyw file any case on me legally.

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