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Arun   27 May 2019

My lawyer cheated me

My lawyer  took a money from me  with a gurantee of returning  it in ten days and now cut of all communications with me. Messages go unasnswered, phone calls are not picked. How do i deal with this? Being a lawyer he seems to have advantage to drag this if i file a complaint. I have his emails to confirm that he has taken and i have bank transactions to prove.


 7 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     27 May 2019

If the money is not substantial, ignoring it as a permanent loss is better, as you have to get yourself tortured for getting him punished (which may not be possible).

You can file a complaint before District Consumer Forum for deficiency of services.  As an individual, it is beyond your capacity to fight with him.  Get a sincere advocate's opinion and proceed as per his guidance and do not disclose his name as they have such professional ethics within themselves.

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Kishor Mehta (CEO)     27 May 2019

You have loaned money and that does not make you a consumer, your only alternative is to file a suit in Court, however this may be costly and time consuming. It will be prudent to consult an Advocate and settle the matter mutually.
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Shashi Dhara   27 May 2019

With the help of anonymous advocate who will guide properly take help of him u issue legal notice in Ur name and file recovery of money suit against him by filing vakalth urself and contesting case Ur self
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Arun   27 May 2019

Thank you for the responses.One more question when i am lookig at alternatives. 

Can i trick him the same way he did to me and make him lend me his vehicle and keep that as collaterral till he returns the money. Is that legal? Can i serve him a letter stating that?

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     27 May 2019

Never play games with an advocate, in fact, your friend is expecting such a foolish move.  Think with maturity.   If you have your own plans do not seek guidance for lawful ways.

Arun   28 May 2019

@ G.L.N. Prasad - Thanks for your response. Playing games? Who? Do you mean a lawyer is invincible and above the law though he is  doing wrong and other should be dumb and accept wahatever that can be done by the lawyer? Can you please explain me why taking collateral is illegal when the relationship is  kept from my side not spolied , at least to show him for now. All I am asking is if that ideas i think is illegal or legal.


G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     28 May 2019

Mr Arun, please understand the spirit of advice and never underestimate your opponent.  Just think as to whether you can ask someone to lend his vehicle and keep it to yourselves when it is not security, and when you have only sought for temporary use, and when you wish to retain a vehicle without any documents.  If such is the case, why banks are facing such a critical position to recover amounts from very rich and influential persons.  Even if a bank financed such a vehicle, and even when a vehicle is under hypothecation, the bank has to follow a procedure for recovery and can confiscate the vehicle after exhausting all such procedure.  You are already in problems on recovery, why do you complicate the issue further, when you can get legal advice for a lawful procedure in recovery?

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