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Kulraj9999 (Accounts)     11 September 2012

Defination of streedhan?

Dear Experts,


Kindly let me know the exact defination of "Streedhan"?


Does it include Engagement Ring given to Groom from Bridal side?

Does it includes any other jewellary given to Groom from Bridal side at the time of marriage and after marriage?

Does it mean the jewellary given to Bride only at time of marriage from Groom & Bridal side? or after and before marriage also?

Kindly put a light on defination of Streedhan in details.

Thanks in advance.


 3 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     11 September 2012

1. Streedhan is the gift given by bride or groom's side including strangers to the bride who has absolute power over it is called Streedhan in simple way.

2. However, anything given to be of joint use by the husband and wife is not Streedhan.

3. The only Judgment from Hon'ble SC judgment in ref. Pratibha Rani vs. Suraj Kumar is authority on asked subject.

"A perusal of the list reveals that so far as the jewellery and clothes, blouses, nighties and gowns are concerned they could be used only by the wife and were her stridhan. By no stretch of imagination could it be said that the ornaments and sarees and other articles mentioned above could also be used by the husband, If, therefore, despite demands these articles were refused to be returned to the wife by the husband and his parents, it amounted to an offence of criminal breach of trust. In mentioning the articles in the list, we have omitted furniture and utensils which though also belonged to the complainant yet there is some room for saying that these were meant for joint use of the husband and wife."

Does it include Engagement Ring given to Groom from Bridal side?

Does it includes any other jewellary given to Groom from Bridal side at the time of marriage and after marriage?

Does it mean the jewellary given to Bride only at time of marriage from Groom & Bridal side? or after and before marriage also?
In consideration of marriage + during marriage + anytime post marriage are colly. called as Streedhan PERIOD

Some dozens of months back I wrote an article about seeedhan search same under my profile "Forum" messages if you want to know in depth about asked subject.

Kulraj9999 (Accounts)     11 September 2012

Thanks a lot.

Kulraj9999 (Accounts)     13 September 2012

As per defination of Streedhan clarified by you,

1) can I ask Bridal side to return Engagement Ring & other jewellary given to the Groom?

2) can I ask Bridal side to return Appliances, Utensils etc. to the Groom, which were meant for joint use in matrimonial house?

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