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sanjay   30 May 2016

Property in the name of husband only


Mr. X living in the property with his Wife and two major children (one married). He sold his residential house to Mr. Y on agreed consideration. In the title deed, only Mr. X name was there. Now Mr. Y wants the possession of the property, but wife and children of Mr. X is not vacating the property and claiming that as this house is the matrimonial house and wife of Mr. X and on the other side Mr. X is requesting his wife to come with him in new house, but she is denying. My question is that 

1. Can wife of Mr. X deny to Mr. Y to vacate the house ?
2. Can Children of Mr. X deny to Mr. Y to vacate the house ?
3. In these types of cases, how long it takes to resolve the matter by court ?


 4 Replies

Kappil Cchandna (Expert Bail & Criminal Defence Lawyer at Delhi Supreme Court of India)     30 May 2016



She cannot ... Mr Y can file the suit for vacant and peacefull possession. 


Warm Regards 

Kapil Chandna Advocate 


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Kumar Doab (FIN)     30 May 2016

Agreed with expert's advise.

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sanjay   30 May 2016

Thank Mr. Kapil for your reply. 

Can you please clear me that how much tile does court take to resolve these types of cases ?



sanjay   01 October 2016

Any Update ??

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