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Manoj (Engg)     25 January 2015

Dv and dowry case.

Dear Sir,

I have been married since december 2013, since then my wife has got problems with my mother, to get it cleared I took my wife along with me to pune where I work. Now my mother came to me for some medical treatments and my wife again started creating troubles, she also had given false statements to her parents about me and my family specially mother of torturing her, her family members tried to threaten us and asked me to send my wife to her native place but I refused. Now I will be visiting to my native place in mar 15 and I feel that she will again create a new scene and also have a doubt that her family might file a false dv and dowry case against me and my family members. How can I defence myself from the coming dangerous situations. 


 3 Replies

Zeeshan (Lawyer)     26 January 2015

Hi Manoj, Sad to hear the things you said, first do one thing don't make assumptions and visit your native place if she make a scene so first do one thing consult a lawyer and ask him about the domestic violence and 498a if you think that she can cross her limits and see you behind bars so apply for an anticipatory bail. And dv, 498a cases consult a good criminal lawyer rather than a criminal lawyer.
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Zeeshan (Lawyer)     26 January 2015

Addition to my previous suggestions consult a criminal lawyer rather than a family lawyer.
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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     27 January 2015

Do not go by your predictions.  First of all proceed as per your plan to your native place, she may not be interested to visit your house, so you can sen her to her mothers house as a short vacation.  Marriage is give and take, not that you have to prowl upon her even for her little mistakes.  Saving the marriage is more important than to break the ties over silly and trivial issues.

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