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Personal dog of one member roam freely in society premises

Hi All,

I reside in MHADA Chawl in Gorai - Mumbai .

One of the member of society has personal Dog. At random time, he leave his Dog freely in the society premises with no care taker or chain in the neck. This causes too much problem to other residence's visitor, because this Dog always bark & comes on body of unknown person. 

I request, please suggest me how to deal for the above. Also, please mention any legal supporting (like section of any law or like something) of your answer.

Thank You in advance....


 4 Replies

Advocate Rohit (Advocate)     11 January 2015


You or society need to serve a notice to the concerned member about such nuisance and ask the concerned member to stop it immediately. Also you may lodge police complaint against the concerned member. Since, it is a matter of security of the life.

Incase member fail to stop this nuisance even then, the society can levy penalty upon him by way of resolution in the General Body Meeting of the Society and also start proceeding against the member for termination of his membership in the society.



Advocate Rohit Dalmia


Mumbai (Gorai)


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DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer)     12 January 2015

Simply File police complain on behalf of society  ,immediate action will be taken ..

1 Like


Thanks a lot Rohit & Disha....really appreciate your prompt replies..... 

But, situation is that the member is himself the secretary of the society. There is no chance of passing the resolution in mine favour as most of people will not raise their voice due to fear or relation or etc..  

Please can you suggest me any section of any Act (like Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act or Indian Penal Code or Model Bye law of the Society). Since these way i can warn them by showing them legal prohibition on free roam of Dog in society.

Thank You in advance  

DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer)     04 March 2015

just file police complain ,police will handle it .

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