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Saleem (Engineer)     18 October 2014

Undisclosed properties-expired parents of wife

My in laws dead one year before our marriage and my wife was not aware of properties owned by them. She was away from family for her studies Legal heirs of the property is been second wife and four sibbilings all girls. Her elder brother in law took all documents immediately after death of father in law and started to dominate for property. After lot of struggle we got settled  partition and got registered on May-14. But i came to know there is one more portion property and they never disclosed to us. So my query is this , is there any law applcaible to cancel entire partition deed ? Because the person concerned is not ready to disucss anything about undisclosed property and he is treating. If there is no law applicable to cancell  partion deed what all are the other options to deal with this case. This should be considered as rear case becasue i married a orphan.


 2 Replies

Satyadarshi Kunal (advocate)     19 October 2014

Any arrangement or partition by way of fraud is illegal. You can very well file an injunction suit.



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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     20 October 2014

Why don't you go for a another partition suit against the left out property, consult your lawyer and proceed properly for the left property too.

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