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Ashok (Software engg)     19 March 2014

Need help in dv act


My Wife Stayed only for 3-4 months..1yr at her Home and return for 8 days and run away

Now Put 498a False DV Case.

Allegation she made

1.She produced False Medical certificate of some wound

2. She wrote i was harrased her for 10 lacs

3. Asking 30k Intriem and 55k Final Maintainace 21 lacs final settlement

Proof which i have

1. Call Log of Day when she run away  [ Whole Family involved to bring her out of Bangalore]

2. Call Recording ,where they  are dening ,she is not with them

3. All Medi-Claim Bill for her hospitlizartion

4. She given key to my Building security 

5. i have taken one shop on her and my name [ Having Recording of Conversation with Her Father]

6. FIR ,RCR (judgement soon getting) after she run away



1. Can CAll Recording is accepted in Court ,if yes then what certificate we required in order to prove it true call recording. 

2. How to Save from this DV case.? Lawyer saying its week defence since even if u proof she run away with help her own family then stil question raise why she went? so how to handle this?



 4 Replies

Ashok (Software engg)     19 March 2014

How to get Passport Transaction with help of ITR?  She has been to UK. she is highly educated i need to prove.




Anand Bali Adv. (Advocate Solicitor & Consultant)     23 April 2014

Dear Friend,

Every call tape recorded is a good evidence in the court but is considered as secondry document and is has to be corroborated with some thing to establish the fact it is as good as the photograph.

If the recording is questioned or denied the voice matching and the forensic expert's opinion is to be taken by the court just to establish that the voice is of the same person or not and is there any tempering done in the recording or not ?

Any case is never a weak case if the Advocate knows how to represent the case  if you are true the truth will note.

On D.V. It is no wonder that SC in a landmark case of Sushil kumar Sharma Vs Union of India 2005 has condemned Sec 498A as " legal terrorism". Wife can use this provision to threaten the husband.

Desertion is a good point of harassing and cruelity against husband where it has been done with her own sweet will with out any provocation.

For further legal assistance on nominal charges,  you can contact undersigned on below given  phone number.

Advise, always take assistance from an experienced and well educated Advocate of the field. You can see my credentials on site for my appraisal.

Click "LIKE" in appreciation of the above answer.

Anand Bali, Adv.
(B.Com., M.A., LL.B., M.B.A.)

Supreme Court Of India,
High Court & District Courts of Delhi, UP & UK.
For Civil, Criminal, Property, Recovery, Consumer,
Service & Family Dispute Matters.


Ph: 9582144748

1 Like

Anand Bali Adv. (Advocate Solicitor & Consultant)     23 April 2014

Dear Friend,

Every call tape recorded is a good evidence in the court but is considered as secondry document and is has to be corroborated with some thing to establish the fact it is as good as the photograph.

If the recording is questioned or denied the voice matching and the forensic expert's opinion is to be taken by the court just to establish that the voice is of the same person or not and is there any tempering done in the recording or not ?

Any case is never a weak case if the Advocate knows how to represent the case  if you are true the truth will note.

On D.V. It is no wonder that SC in a landmark case of Sushil kumar Sharma Vs Union of India 2005 has condemned Sec 498A as " legal terrorism". Wife can use this provision to threaten the husband.

Desertion is a good point of harassing and cruelity against husband where it has been done with her own sweet will with out any provocation.

For further legal assistance on nominal charges,  you can contact undersigned on below given  phone number.

Advise, always take assistance from an experienced and well educated Advocate of the field. You can see my credentials on site for my appraisal.

Click "LIKE" in appreciation of the above answer.

Anand Bali, Adv.
(B.Com., M.A., LL.B., M.B.A.)

Supreme Court Of India,
High Court & District Courts of Delhi, UP & UK.
For Civil, Criminal, Property, Recovery, Consumer,
Service & Family Dispute Matters.


Ph: 9582144748

Anand Bali Adv. (Advocate Solicitor & Consultant)     23 April 2014

Dear Friend,

Every call tape recorded is a good evidence in the court but is considered as secondry document and is has to be corroborated with some thing to establish the fact it is as good as the photograph.

If the recording is questioned or denied the voice matching and the forensic expert's opinion is to be taken by the court just to establish that the voice is of the same person or not and is there any tempering done in the recording or not ?

Any case is never a weak case if the Advocate knows how to represent the case  if you are true the truth will note.

On D.V. It is no wonder that SC in a landmark case of Sushil kumar Sharma Vs Union of India 2005 has condemned Sec 498A as " legal terrorism". Wife can use this provision to threaten the husband.

Desertion is a good point of harassing and cruelity against husband where it has been done with her own sweet will with out any provocation.

For further legal assistance on nominal charges,  you can contact undersigned on below given  phone number.

Advise, always take assistance from an experienced and well educated Advocate of the field. You can see my credentials on site for my appraisal.

Click "LIKE" in appreciation of the above answer.

Anand Bali, Adv.
(B.Com., M.A., LL.B., M.B.A.)

Supreme Court Of India,
High Court & District Courts of Delhi, UP & UK.
For Civil, Criminal, Property, Recovery, Consumer,
Service & Family Dispute Matters.


Ph: 9582144748

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