There is no s*x in life. She is an introvert. I like friends. So all fun in life was already gone, now with s*x gone, I do not find interest in life?
She doesnot want divorce. She says, I gave given you a son, 20 years in marriage, I have right to you for rest of life, s*x is not important.
I have sent son to hostel as Son-and Mother relationship was also not good.
Now as all of you said: Court case is difficult and takes long time, what if I just go ahead
take a house in rent and keep a mistress, openly declare her as my wife (though not in legal terms),
what can my wife do?
Ask for divorce? That is what I want.
Ask for allimony : and I have read in such case they get higher allimony, I have no problem with that, I need my own life and fun.
Is there any other punishment possible?
The other question is what happens when child comes back home.
I am thinking of option of A Paid Host family with children age 8-15.
Problem, diffucult to find in India.
And child will always prefer to stay with me though I can make him spend some time with his mother.
Last question: what if I bring the mistress home and start staying boldly in the same roof, what can she do?
Note: I still do not have any one, we are undergoing counselling. My wife is suspecting type that
has take a toll on her life. Our problem was lack of social life as she was a loner. Now when she doesnot share a smile, obviously because I am a talkative person, I make friends and she starts suspecting.