Dear All,
Mather-In-Law (MIL) filed case against the 498A wife (who filed 498A case against the MIL) saying that 498A wife and her relatives gave false information against her to the police and did conspiracy to extract money by implicating the MIL and family.
The alleged allegations in the MIL preferred complaint is the alleged allegations present in the FIR and CrPC-161 statements of 498A case witnesses.
Police prepared final report on MIL case saying that the complaint is flase and the son of the complainant made the MIL to file false case against the 498A wife. Also said that accused (498A wife and her relatives) denied the alleged allegations that are present in the complant of MIL (which are part of the FIR and CrPC-161 statements of 498A case of wife).
While police prepared the final report police did not refer any document that provide information that the alleged allegation is false still police said that complaint is false. For the RTI application also police refused to give the documents that provided information that the allegations present in the complaint of MIL are false. In fact the allegations in the MIL preferred complaint can be said either false or true with the support of the documents (Example: Allegation in MIL complaint is: Daughter-in-law gave flase information to police by saying that during the 15 period of wife's stay in the matrimonial home during 1st May-2008 to 15th May-2008, her in-laws made phone calls to husband and advised to harass the wife whereas as police did not produce any call records to allegations is false).
Also police said in thefinal report on MIL case saying that son of the complainant tutored the complainant to make such complaint. While investigation police recorded the law witnesses (around 3 people) statements and 3 law witnesses says that there was 20 lacks demand from wife side made post to filing the 498A case. But police did not make the law witnesses statement part of the final report of the complaint of MIL.
Kindly advice what is correct procedure to adopt to punish the police and the make the facts as part of the final report.
the things done after final report filed in court:
- RTI filed seeking reasons for not adding the 3 law witnesses sattements as part of the final report, got reply saying that Police has the descretionary power to write as poice think, no one can question the police as per law.
- RTI filed to get copy of the documents that are verified by the police before declaring that the alleged allegations are flase.
- Filed a complaint before Superintendent of Police seeking further investigation and to withdraw false information present in the fina report. RTI filed seeking the status of the complaint on further investigation and withdraw of false information from final report and replay yet to come.