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VictimOfBiasLaw (Professional)     23 November 2010

What is Private Case under DV case

i have Domestic violence case

Till now this case under general DV cases

now it is under Private case category.


What is Private case ?



 9 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     23 November 2010

Private case means complaint filed before the courst.

VictimOfBiasLaw (Professional)     23 November 2010

But General DV case is also before the court

why suddenly it change category , however we have filed complaint about the proof submitted by opposite party to the court is fake.

Will it take on priority ?

What is the importance of private case ?

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     23 November 2010

private case is that one where state is not complainee.

in general, 498a, dv cases state govt lodged the complain. if state govt unwiling to move and withdraw  itself as a complainee, and the party (ie wife) itself wants to run the case, then it will be a private case.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     23 November 2010

please check this from the court.

if you have advocate ask him.


most probably state withdraw itself.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     23 November 2010

most probably state withdraw itself - if it is so - you are lucky and the case against you, is now a weak one.

VictimOfBiasLaw (Professional)     23 November 2010

Thank you sir,

My wife has filed false DV case and in this case she has submitted fake documents,

i have  filed complain against this in court with proof.

So is it Jugge , who decide this ?

and if it prove that this case is only to get money from  husband , will it give benefits further in case of maintainance and divorce ?

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     24 November 2010

if u can prove the documents filed by her on affidavit to be fake, u can file several criminal cases on her.

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VictimOfBiasLaw (Professional)     24 November 2010

I am more interested in divorce and stop this relation as soon as possible.

My Question is , If my wife continue this case how long this will take ? Can court stop this case if there is no major alligation in case. ( Judge has already made comments that case doesn't have any significant/serious matter ) 

And same time i have prodecuded proof that whatever documnets submitted by my wife if fake , which she is using to get more money from me

As i come to know from some of the people ( not law expert ) that at any circumstences you have to give maintainence and this will not even reduce the amount.

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