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Complaining against the judge before same judge

Page no : 2

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     28 October 2013

This is free legal site and advice is free so no need to wage war on the difference of opinion.

Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     28 October 2013

All I am asking for is to give advice with disclaimers. I have seen people make statements like "Now I feel good that I will not have to face this..." or something to that effect based on what I saw was clearly a wrong misleading or at least incomplete advice. 

Really, despite all the choice-of-words that include morons, idiots,crooks, etc. to characterize advocates, I do respect every person from chaprasi to a Ph.D., EQUALLY. In fact, having spent more about 70% of my life in a western country, I have a whole different outlook on people, very different from the typical Indian outlook which tends to separate the chaprasis, peons and others in that category almost as if they belong to a different race. Almost along those lines, it just happens here in India that advocates belong to a whole different race.

What I totally dislike is the tendency of advocates to give WRONG advice without making any efforts to do some reading before shooting out an answer. At the same time, gentlemen, I totally understand that while this is a hobby for some of us, it is a profession for you. You need to be making money here. You cannot expect to spend time here and not earn. Fine. That is fair. At the same time, you have knowledge that you want to share as a pointer. Unfortunately, that "pointer" coming from an advocate is taken as the gospel truth by non-advocates desperate to get an opinion. Therefore, you need to tone down your statements with DISCLAIMERS. Fact is that even if you were an expert on the subject, without a thorough review of the facts of the case, you cannot offer a black-and-white opinion. It takes just one sentence to tone down the impact of your informal opinion and that is all that I am insisting on.

There are also some good advocates in this forum. I remember one who when I asked for advocates to help one lady whose condition appeared to be pretty dire, and who happened to be from his state (I think it was Adv. Chandrasekhar or some such name), he volunteered to do so even including his cost, for free. 

That was very commendable. 

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