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Feather in a cap 498A (Manager)     17 January 2012

Clarification on jurisdiction

Dear Learned Members

Kindly advise,

Me and my wife were residing in Dehradun(Uttrakhand). Then things went wrong and she went to her parents home(Delhi) and gifted the 498A package to me and my family members. My query is

1-If we were living in Dehradun-Can she file a case against me in Delhi? 

2-Now when she had filed 498A in Delhi is it possible to tranfer the case to Dehradun as she always take the pleasure to come to court but i am the one who took the pain travelling 300kms every time on court dates?

3- If yes(the case can be transferred) whats the process.


 11 Replies

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     17 January 2012

you have to go to delhi, but can file counter cases at your place.

Feather in a cap 498A (Manager)     17 January 2012

Hi! JSDN Thnx fr the reply but i am afraid that ur answer is not specific to my query apparently. Request if you can be more specific in answering

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     17 January 2012

read it again.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     17 January 2012

you are high on ego and hence these problems.

Arindam Chatterjee (Counsel)     21 January 2012

Dear feather in a cap(Sorry!! your goodname unknown)

Your so called wife purposefully chose to file the Case u/s. 498A at Delhi. Jursidiction wise its proper. Case u/s. 498A may be filed in a juirisdiction where the parental house of the victim(so called) is situated.   

Regarding your 2nd and 3rd query an appliaction u/s. 406 Cr.P.C may be preferred before the Supreme Court for transfer of the matter but an order favouring such transfer is very very unlikely.

One thing more...I do understand that you are not high on your EGO...its a pain felt by the 1 who undergoes the tormentation.


Arindam Chatterjee 

rajiv_lodha (zz)     21 January 2012

Agree with above reply. No point wasting time to fight 4 jurisdiction/transfer.................will be fruitless. CONCENTRATE ON AB, prepare mentally 4 DV gift too.......she may have it in pipeline!

Ashish Chakravarty (Advocate)     21 January 2012

Feather in a cap kindly go through section 177, 178 &179 of the code of criminal procedure, 1973, these sections are pertaining to territorial jurisdiction and will provide you some insight on the matter in hand, however the primary thing to be considered is the averments, where does the woman allege that cruelty took place is of quite some importance, equally important is the cause of action as alleged by your wife, these 2 things will decide territorial jurisdiction of such matter. The specific answer to your query will depend on these 2.

The response to your second query is that you can apply for transfer before the Hon'ble S.C. via trasnfer petition as the proposed transfer is between a U.T. and a State however in all probability it might go against you as the Court usually seeks for the convenience of the females and not the other way around, another approach is going before the Hon'ble Delhi HC and contest the jurisdictional issue there alongwith quashing of FIR etc as the case may be.

Feather in a cap 498A (Manager)     22 January 2012

Thnx Arindam. You got it right!

Hi Rajiv. Ur vision is right. DV is already pipelined and the date is in May 2012 :-)

Ashish Chakravarty (Advocate)     22 January 2012

The behavious of advocated while appearing from the women's side is often quite predictable however it reflects upon the petty state of affairs we have on our hands at the moment, the dv act is being used mostly as a weapon to harass the male side and his family members etc. We need some serious thought from the legislature and some strict judgments wherein if the allegations are found  to be frivolous in such complaints then such guilty party who is abusing the process of law should be penalized with costs, exemplary costs to be precise.

However i would suggest that Feather in a cap you better start thinking about a divorce suit soon or pretty soon you might find yourself running to Delhi for 3 cases and not 2.

Ashish Chakravarty (Advocate)     22 January 2012

Isnt there an edit feture to edit the posts? I made 2 spelling mistakes up there in the first 4 words of my post:-  behavios- behaviour and advocated- advocates

**Vikram** (Managing Partner)     24 January 2012

Dear Author,

You have to go through the complaint/FIR/the statments given by the witnesses.


In the complaint, she and others will be describing a story, what has happened, when it has happened and WHERE it has happened. IN case of transfer petitions - THE  "WHERE"  IS MOST IMPORTANT


The place where the alleged offence has happened determines the jurisdiction. Even if one of the offences has happened in Dehradun, the local court has the jurisdiction to try the case in Dehradun. Similarly, of the offences alleged are in Delhi, then the delhi court also has the jurisdiction to try the case.




You can seek transfer in the SC  - you have to talk to a good lawyer and file the case in the SC - the points you need to mention should be very very pin pointed and good - the case may be transferred to dehradun.


Also go through the website and search for judgements based on jurisdiction.


Best of Luck



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