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Can a bailed out person apply for govt job

Page no : 2

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     23 December 2016

Originally posted by : Vivek H Bedarker
Also sir पुलिस को character रिकॉर्ड पता करने का क्या सिस्टम है? जब कोई केस बनता है तब क्या उसकी कोई डिजिटल एंट्री होती है (With some ID etc for record) जिससे पता चले? यह मैं कोई loophole के लिए नही लेकिन commonsense और GK के हिसाब से पूछ रहा हु। क्योंकि जब मेरा भी पुलिस verification हुआ था 15 साल पहले joining के 3 महीने बाद तब मुझे सिर्फ पुलिस स्टेशन में खुद हाज़िर रहने के लिए बुलाया था और हस्ताक्षर लिए थे। मुझे नही पता उन लोगो ने क्या और कैसे निरीक्षण किया था।

ऐसा कोइ सवाल किसी परीक्षा के GK पेपर में नहीं आता है,

यदि आप सिस्टम को जानकार कोइ फ्राड करने का विचार रखते हैं तो आप गलत फोरम में हैं.

पुलिस की verification के दौरान क्या प्रक्रिया रहती है, ऐसा कुछ भी किसी यूनिवर्सिटी में LLB  में नहीं पढ़ाया जाता |


यदि कोई सेवारत या भूतपूर्व पुलिस अधिकारी इस फोरम का सदस्य होगा तो भी अपने विभाग   की गोपनीय प्रक्रिया आप को सरे आम बता कर अपने जेल   जाने का जुगाड़ नहीं करेगा 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 December 2016

If enough signals given by the govt are  understood then everything may soon be linked with Aadhar card and digitilized.

Otherwise also many states have digitilized, including police records.

The official/IO during any kind of investigation/verification, follows the protocol set by its dept.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     24 December 2016

even if the criminal records are not linked with adhar card.  the present system adopted for police verification is there since mor ethan a centurary, when even ball point pen was not there in thanasand only holder was used and even before advent of carbon paper.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 December 2016

The official/IO during any kind of investigation/verification, follows the protocol set by its dept e.g; Police.

P. Venu (Advocate)     24 December 2016

Any meaningful suggestion would be possible if all the materisl facts are posted. It appears, from the reluctance of the author to disclose the information, that the posting is imaginary or the author does not want to help his frind!

Kumar Doab (FIN)     31 December 2016

Venu Sir,

The querist should have replied to the points raised by you and could have benfitted from valuable advise from you .


Dear Vivek Bedarkar,

With reference to your straight forward question, "Can a bailed out person apply for govt job," could you find any relevance in the advice of Mr. Kumar Doab out of his 6 posts, specifically "If enough signals given by the govt are understood then everything may soon be linked with Aadhar card and digitilized. Otherwise also many states have digitilized, including police records. The official/IO during any kind of investigation/verification, follows the protocol set by its dept" OR "The official/IO during any kind of investigation/verification, follows the protocol set by its dept e.g; Police"?

As usual, as in several other cases also, he has the habit of confusing the querist by creating several complications in the problem by making several irrerlevant posts to detract the issue to entirtely wrong side.
Anyway, best of luck, if you tend to follow his advice.


Dear Shri Vivek Bedarkar,


So far as your question "Can a bailed out person apply for govt job," is concerned, there is no bar in applying for a Government job, but on the date of selection/ joining, your cousin should not have been prosecuted in any court case.


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