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Jolly (accountant)     08 August 2014


Hi Experts,

I have attend the 2nd mediation. Mediation lawyer told that both you want for divorce then better outside the ourt decided and come next month for MCD.

Out side court my advocate discussed with the petitioner wife  and came to know that they are demanding 5 Lacs for MCD. I respondent husband dont want to give as bcus both we are working in different companies and earning same amount salary. We dont have child.
The petitioner wife advocate threatened that if we will not agree for 5 Lacs then they will go for DV / 498A.

Please suggest me what should i do... I want to contest the case but i am staying in delhi and the divorce case is going on Chennai.

Please let me know the steps i have to take for contest the case. I want to save my parents and sister life. 





 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     08 August 2014

Two options advised to you, read them down few times and use mind over heart to conclude which is best in your current situation and I don't expect more facts of couple to answer any other advise that below two;

Option I

If with negotiation she comes at a lower figure than 5 L and you can afford that final figure then opt for MCD and use your youthful years to jump start fresh in your career leaving behind this useless wife to her fate. 

Option II

Still continue to negotiate and if she does not buzz then let counseling fail and deposit 5 L in F/D and with its interest contest the cases in hand till their logical conclusion even if it currently serviced from Chennai. Explore possibilities of its transfer to Delhi as per ‘grounds’ consulting a better – seasoned local advocate here in Delhi. Parents become old for everyone – these criminal cases are filed on old parents too = nothing new that I'm hearing in this query. Be it so one should contest allegations if one really feels they are exaggerated or seemingly false come what it may come as it takes years to conclude such frivolous cases and one should never give into ‘blackmail’ - underhand tactics either/and by wife – by her side's advocate.

[Last reply]

Rahul Kharat (Engineer)     11 August 2014


If divoce needs by husband having 1 and half year old marriage with No child. Girl is highly educated and currently unemployed. Both are belong to Middle class with age of remarriage posibilities. Girl currently resides at her parental home with willfull decersion from husband. What could be Alimony if husband opting for contested divorce. 

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