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Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     03 January 2011


Adnan sami’s all property in India has been confiscated on the ground that he is not the citizen of India and can’t buy property in India being a foreign citizen. I have to ask that there is a legal principle that “ IGNORANCE OF LAW IS NO EXCUSE”. I think this principle is only for citizens of India . A foreign national can not be expected to be acquainted with Indian Law. When Adnan Sami would have been purchased property. he may know Indian law or not. But the all beaurcrates  or authorities like registering authorities or municiple authorities didn’t advice him that he can’t buy such and such property as being a foreign nationls.

Now  I don’t know, to what extent the proceeding is going on. But I think all the govt. authorities or personals  who assisted Adnan while buying the said property and assisted while registering the property must be criminally prosecuted and the Indian Govt. should compensate to Adnan, because, if he would have been previously deterred from buying or registering such property he may not suffer such a great loss and insult.


 2 Replies

Sachin Bhatia (Advocate)     03 January 2011

I agree with you.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     05 January 2011

I fully agree with you sir.

It is true that it is presumption, 


but actually how many Indians is having the knowledge of land related complicated confusing laws, and what measure govt. has taken to educate the people about all these types of law. even most of the govt. officials related with revenue, registry depmts etc  does not the law.

Even how many sitting MPs know the Preamble of Constitution.

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