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superfast munnabhai (trainee)     18 October 2010

A parallel thread on MCD

I and my wife are fighting the divorce case for more than 1 year as of today.


My wife filed divorce. I am contesting it (initially had a lawyer, but since last 4 weeks I haven't finalised any replacement lawyer)


Me and my wife are living separated since last 17 months almost.


If she comes to me with an offer of Mutual Consent divorce (in fact her lawyer told me that and also the same offer was there in the layer notice and the offer is still there) , and if I agree to it......then...


I am exausted sir .....but please answer me to encourage me only towards good outcome....


Will there be another document to be filled? Shud it be a joint application to judge?

What wud happen to all the petitions/affidavits and replies submitted so far?


Will that be treated as our 1st joint petition or directly a 2nd joint petition (i.e the one which is required to be made after 6 months of the first one)


I am also going through each and every thread here on mutual consent divorce, but not getting exact answer.


It looks the 2nd petition process gets messed up most often, by many parties who want to hold the other party on ransom!!!


We do not have children from marriage. she is working in govt job and I am in pvt job.



Please let me know what loopholes that I shud be careful about when wife's lawyer come to me with such offers of mutual consent divorce.


Thank you all.


 2 Replies

superfast munnabhai (trainee)     18 October 2010

I am reading stories and TOI related to case 'divorce after death of husband' and how Bombay high court rejected Pune judge's decision and changed the 'divorced' status to 'widow' status for that wife.


I also want to make a will. Please suggest way to do it.


I intend to be prepared for the untoward events which is true for anybody!!!!.


If similar thing happens to me....


...then my resi. apartment wud go to my wife ...and she may may even drag my parents out of house if anyone wud provoke her to do that...and my parents wud also feel so humiliated to live in such a condition.


I am only son of my parents


...Bcos there is absolutely no other real estate property in my father's/mother's name 


(and my father made a mistake to include my wife's name along with my mother'sname in a piece of land property which was bought a few years ago at my native place) 

chanakyam (Consultant)     19 October 2010

Good decision munnabhai to save your parents from unscrupuluos wife.  Can anyone share the format of a "WILL".  Its really appreactable if someone can help on this.

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