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Raanjkumar (Prop)     24 June 2013

Transmission of flat


There is a registered will of mother bequeathing residential flat to one of her son Mr A

The society has nomination registered in name of Mr.A

There is affidavit from siblings of Mr.A stating they have no objection that as per will the flat being transferred to Mr.A on death of mother

Mr.A is associate member on share certificate of the same flat owned by mother.


QUESTION: What letter or documents does Mr.A submit to society to transfer the flat in name of Mr.A


 2 Replies

Rajeev Kumar (Lawyer/Advocate)     24 June 2013

The copy of will, NOC from legal heir, death certificate and the family list should be submitted to soceity. Ultimately they will transfer the share on your name.

2BHelpfull (Other)     25 June 2013

get the probate from the court on the will

and most important document is to submit  Probate of will to the society.

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