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Ankit Saha (CEO)     25 August 2014

False complaint

Dear Experts, 

Complainant alleged forgery of his signature to open joint bank account, made him partner and director in a private limited company. Subsequent investigation and FSL reports proved complainant's signature tallied with disputed signature and accused's signature did'nt tally with disputed signature. Meanwhile the accused was arrested and spent 2 moths in jail. After final report is accepted by court, what is the remedy complainant has to get complainant prosecuted? (which are the relavant IPC sections?)

thanks for your attention



 2 Replies

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     25 August 2014

Police officer who submitted the final report may start proceeding for the offence Under Sec 182 IPC or you may file complaint in court for the offences covered in CHAPTER XI ( Of false evidence and offences against public justice ) of IPC.

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thahir (owner)     25 August 2014


as one of my friend had a car he sold to other friend of mine .in front of me now after 15 days 

he came to know that car is still under hypothication of bank and he paid the full amount to the first party 

without any written documents .now the second party is torturing me to return the amount and he is  

sending police to my house and saying i have made the fraud .i have not signed on any of the papers so 

please give me suggestion that can i camplaint against any of the party and how should i complaint .

( still he has not lodge any legal complaint against me) 

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