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NUT (Programmer)     16 August 2014

DV 498 and divorce

My wife file 498a , I got AB , then she filed DV to establish cruelty . All her allegations are fake and she is producing jewel fake bills and medical certificates . She is taking revenge her uncle is user her to settle his personal score with my family . I have given enough chance to their family to behave properly . You this society is against men . If we teach bagawat Gita to them , even that will become harassement for them . She has some gmail chatting where I scolded her for being so selfish and careless attitude . With that thy started the 498a drama . Now still she want to join me shamelessly after all these . My stand point is I do t want to take her back and divorce her . I sent divorce notice to her which she till now didn't take it . What shall I ideally do . She is asking 60k maintenance . She is working and still she asked for maintenance . A girl who says we did cruelty and harassed her physically . My question is what all I can say to reject her in mediation and counciling .


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