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Kishore (something)     07 May 2012

Bail must for ipc 409??

Dear Sir,

I am one of the innocent guys in the society. My name was involved in a group fight which occured at our residence. About 14 members each from both the groups were filed under IPC 409 and other sections in the FIR and about 7 members each of both the groups were sent to jail and are out on bail now. The rest are said to be abscounding.

My question is, do I too need to take bail to prevent going to jail? And also that can I get anti-cipatory bail in this case? And how long does that bail go? If I take anti-cipatory bail,will it be enough until the case resolved ? Or will I have to take a regular bail again?

Please help me with this, and also I would like to know what I have to do to get an anticipatory bail.


Thanks in advance.


 2 Replies

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     15 May 2012

go for regular bail on summon

das (engineer)     26 July 2013

Dear Sir,

Kindly give your valuable expert openion on the following legal matter,


         i am a branch manager, S.B.I, A person  borrowed an amount of Rs.6,50,000/- from State Bank of India, in yrear 2002 and purchased Ac.19-05 cents of land  consisting of  plot, After registration of the  land, he mortgaged the said land with the Bank. After repaying the entire loan in the year, 2011, the person requested the me(Branch Manager) to return the documents deposited by him. i was not the branch manager in the year when he took the loan, but i was the manager in 2011, i promised to return the said documents, but one of the principal document was missing. I COULD'NT trace the said document in branch office, it was missing, and that person filed a case.  a charge has been filed against me under Criminal Petition under Section 482 Cr.P.C., for an offence punishable under Section 409 IPC.


      then i have  prayed the court,.... that in the circumstances stated in the petition and the grounds filed in Crl.P., the High Court may be pleased to grant stay of all further proceedings including arrest of the petitioner/Accused 

The Court made the following.


“There shall be interim stay.


and later in the year 2013 an oral order from the court saying that  the Criminal Petition filed for quashing of the investigation is hereby dismissed. 




what sort of bail should i apply for to stay away from going to jail.


whether this is a false case. ( because i am innocent and un awair of his intensions)

suggest me to come out of this situation..

he is demanding huge compensiation to withdraw the case..

please help me with this..



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