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Aftab4u (PVT EMPLOYEE)     25 August 2012

494 - ipc - interference of police

Dear Experts,


Can police  file the FIR of IPC-494 against the husband whom he has given the divorse in the year 2008 as per the persoanl law (Shariat) the marriage performed according to the personal law and dissovled accordingly.

do police have rights to file the FIR against the muslims under 494-IPC if do so what are the remedy for the person and how to challenge it.

the person again remarried in 2010 after disolution of first marriage in the year 2008. The person is a govt employee.

Pls advice.


 1 Replies

ADV S PATHAK (lawyer)     26 August 2012

scope : this section does not apply to MOHAMMEDAN MALES WHO ARE ALLOWED TO MARRY MORE THAN ONE WIFE BUT APPLIES TO MOHAMMEDAN FEMALES and to hindus,christians and parsis of either s*x.

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