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sharad raghav - 9990549475   13 September 2012 at 11:29

Is it a criminal conspiracy ??

If a Person conspire with a child having 5 years of age to commit a Murder. In that case, will that person ( Major one ) be liable for Criminal Conspiracy ?

sharad raghav - 9990549475   16 July 2012 at 20:57

Why its 6% stamp duty on sale deed in delhi?

hi experts,
as we all aware about the rate of stamps duty on sale deed which is 6% in delhi.can u plz tell me how is it? actually if go by item no.23 of schedule-1 of rate of stamp duty then we find its 3% but every document(sale deed) executed with 6%...why is this so?

C Mohan   16 February 2012 at 17:04

Suggestions for making some change in the writ petition (civil)

I have filed a civil writ petition after my termination from service in the Hon'ble High Court and I have mentioned erroneously my office as State in the W.P. by quoting article 226 of the Constitution of India. But now I got to know that my office is a fully autonomous body and I want to insert in the WP as 'fully autonomous body'. Please consider to answer my following question: -

(a) Can it be possible to change my Office status from 'State' to a "fully autonomous body".

(b) Is there any chance for dismissal of my Writ Petition, if I make a request as mentioned at (a).

Please help

VICKY MEHRA   16 February 2012 at 16:47

Divorce & dva

got married in the year 1997 , it was a love come arrange marriage and just after 3 yrs I came to know that my wife was into illegal affairs and when confronted she admitted. In fact it was due to my elder son that I came to know about her deeds. My entire world was lost but she asked for another chance and more over she was in a family way , thus to save my family I gave her another chance. But her things continued and to divert our minds she used to create scenes at home.( ie. arguing with elders etc. ).Finally I took her to solan where we had a family flat. There also she indulged into illicit affairs and called her paramour from Delhi who is very rich. He bought a flat in joints name with my wife in solan and they were having a merry time in that flat till I came to know from the general public of solan.I filed a police complaint also but of no avail. This time we agreed for a mutual divorce but after signing the documents she backed out and wanted a last chance to prove herself. I was not ready to take her back but seeing my little kids and advice from the elders I again agreed to stay with her but I clearly told her that I will not have any physical relation with her. At that time I didn’t had much evidence against her. Thus we started staying together again and in the mean time I started collecting evidence to prove her adultery. I had her recorded and written confession . Also the registry's of the flat in solan and another flat at Rohini which is in her individual before marriage name .Her bank accounts details which is showing cash transactions in thousands during that period. I gave her all the time to mend her ways and I lost my Father due to her Immoral character .I took my family to Ghaziabad and finally to Ludhiana , but every where I went her paramour used to come over there and she used to meet him secretly without my knowledge. last time was in Ludhiana in a hotel which I came to found and have already filed a divorce case under sec 13(1)(i) and 13(1)(ia)of hma 1955 at tis hazari court.I have made that person also a party. They have refused all allegations and instead had said that due to my greed for money I was torturing her and was forcing her into flesh trade for which they have submitted no evidence .I have already submitted her hand written confession and will be submitting the CD recording of her confession and involvement with this man. I had filed a divorce case on 9-05-09 and to counter that she had filed a DVA case against us in the month of Dec 09.initially she got the custody of the children’s ( as they were taken out of the hostel ) after creating drama in the court but after 10 days she surrendered the custody giving some excuse .The magistrate then gave the custody of the children’s to me and I bought them to Ludhiana with me in the year January 2010 and are going to school over here. The Magistrate got her to write that she is willingly surrendering the custody. After going thru the case for all these years and the case just got lingered on and the court did not even bothered to see the evidence as the arguments had not yet started. The magistrate suggested Mediation in the month of January 2011 to which we agreed. In the mediation at tis hazari it was mutually decided that I will withdraw my case and she will withdraw her case of maintenance under sec 125 and DVA and two properties which were in joint names will be transferred in her sole name and the visitation scheduled of the children’s were also agreed upon. The agreement was registered and I withdrew my case and her sec 125 case was also cancelled by the Magistrate at tiz hazari. I did as per the agreement and transferred both the properties in her name but now she is refusing to file for mutual divorce and even she is not withdrawing her DVA case. When I approached the lower court the magistrate told me to approach the high court as she could not do anything in that regard . Even the saket court was where she has filed the DVA case also was not ready to listen to my plea , when it was told about the mediation agreement , but instead said that if the party is not withdrawing the case then the case will go on. Now I have filed a contempt of court case in the high court for which the hearing is in the month of May and the DVA case hearing is in April 2012. Please help me and guide me in this regard NOW WHAT SHOULD I DO.

rajeev   16 February 2012 at 13:36

Narco test

i want to know that is NARCO test legal. i mean the answer which we get in narco test is sufficient to call someone a culprit.for example if someone make a crime say a murder of someone and there is no evidence against him then in such case narco test will be helpful?

S C KHOSLA   16 February 2012 at 12:29

Limit of human memory

Dear Sir,

How much is the limit of human memory to recall an event or chain of events (that how exactly it happened) as per act. If any limitation fixed, than under which act of India.

natasha sinha   16 February 2012 at 12:27

Please help me sir,

dear all experts,
i am working women and i m living with my mother who is a widow.my brother and his family are living in seperate portion of the house.as they are not taking care of my mother properly.my husband works abroad and frequently comes to visit me and my mother. now my brother is constantly threatning me to leave the house and not allowing my husband to enter the house.the house is built on two plots one in name of my brother and other on mothers plot.the built property in not registered.please help me out that how can apply hindu law 2005 act,domestaic violence act and senior ctizen protection act in this situation to fight for my right and diginity.please help me out as my loving father died when i was young.and now my brother wants to grab all property form her helpless sister

abdullah   13 February 2012 at 18:48

Mistake in 10th date of birth

Dear sir,

There was a mistke in my friends date of birth in 10th marksheet (his dob is different in 9th and 10th class bcz of mistake), which continued till engineering, now he is in govt job. After Army chief case, he is concerned whether he will lose his job or what. Kindly note that he no way benifited in gettig admission in engg or getting the govt job, with that mistake in his date of birth in 10th mark sheet.

kindly help with ur exper advice.

with regards,

sab athir   13 February 2012 at 17:48

Property dispute

Respected sir,
my grandfather had two wives, of which he had two children(1 MALE and 1 FEMALE) frm his first wife and seven children(4 MALES AND 3 FEMALES) frm his second wife..... MY DAD is the child of the first wife and he is the eldest of all...... my granfather had borrowed a loan frm a local finance and he did not pay it, as he fell suddenly ill.... thn my father with his personal earnings repayed the loan of my grandfather.... as my dad repayed the loan, my granfather gifted one of the property owned by him to my dad through HIBA NAMA in 1973, my father has the pro-note of the loan availed by my grandfather and the proof tht my dad payed the loan..... My dad has the hiba document written by my granfather to him, moreover tht property was a promboke land and whn the government gave patta they gave it in in the name of my dad and none of his brothers have objected it for nearly 16 years.... now the children belonging to the second wife are going to the court against us...... now based on the hibanama,patta of my dad will it be strong for us to prove it in the court and wht will be merits and demerits for my dad....... further dad has gifted this property to my mother and has registered it..... wht will be the judgement? waiting for the valuable reply frm experts

Yatin   13 February 2012 at 17:14



during investigation the accused does not have a right to be heard but could the complainant be heard at every stage of investigation?