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Pritam   21 June 2012 at 22:28

Relinquishment deed - gpa

One of my sister was supposed to travel from Ahemadabad to Bhubaneswar to sign a Relinquishment Deed on a paternal property -House, but she is not able to come due to her family commitment.

Can she give power of atterney to another sister (who is also suppose to sign the same relinquishment deed) or to one of the family friend present in Bhubaneswar by registering the same in Ahemadabad Sub resitrar office?


V.V.RAMDAS   21 June 2012 at 00:04

procedure of examination of deaf and dum witness.

Dear sir/Madam,
What is the procedure for examination of deaf & dum witness and under which act the same has been prescribed ?

Kumar   10 June 2012 at 09:49

Release deed

Dear Sir,

I bought a site in 1985. It was financed by my brother who was in a foreign country at that time. I don’t have any evidence to show that he financed it. I relinquished the property to my brother in 1995 by a release deed. Now it is being suggested that the release deed is not valid as the brother had no proven interest in the property. I would like to correct the mistake. Can I make gift deed? Is the cancellation of the release deed necessary to accommodate the gift deed? Is there any other solution?

kashif   08 June 2012 at 11:09


With respect to a certain agricultural land in Bijnor U.P ( the khata khatauni of which contains at least 10 names including Mr A ) , the competent revenue court decided the issue ( in a suit filed by Mr A under UPZALR section 229 B ) " wheather the plantiff Mr A is the sole bhumidhar of this land " in negative and decided that all the 10 persons whose names are recorded in the khatauni are legal bhumidhars. This case was decided in 1984. All the 10 persons were party to that suit. Now in 2012 Mr A again filed a suit but this time in a civil court and the civil court framed one issue same as the previous ( wheather the plantiff Mr A is the sole bhumidhar of this land ) . Does the principle of Resjudicata according to section 11 of CPC apply in this case.

Ranganath   08 May 2012 at 01:26

Is perjury possible

Ld Counsels,

A marriage was registered with 4 witnesses. 2 of the witnesses are now denying the solemnization of marriage before the court which is in contravention to their stand before the marriage registrar.

Can prosecution for perjury be initiated against the two erring witnesses. The witnesses are trying to mislead the court with an intension to favor wife that her status to remain unmarried.

Thanks in advance.

Gagan Souri   26 April 2012 at 00:57

Circumstantial evidence can sustain case to prolong in 498a cases

Hello Members,

No evidences collected by Police against
A1 – A6 in 498a, as provided U/s 170 CrPC
except 161 CrPc statements
(witness who were no where related to the place of matrimonial home)

Wife divorced and Re-married.

Later A2, a3, a4, a5, a6 got interim quash

By the seeing the case file...

the magistrate cant understand and dispose the case as provided U/s 169 CrPC
and as observed in:

BHINANDAN JHA & ORS. v. DINESH MISHRA - Supreme court DATED17/04/1967

I mean A1(husband) destiny has to face trial loosely based on circumstantial evidence, years together for these false fake 161 CrPc statements bribed by the
de facto complaintant & her family.

Advice from expert members

gourav arora   22 April 2012 at 07:10

Divorce and re marriage

i want to marry a girl. she is fighting a divorce case in panchkula court. her case is pending. but can i marry with her without any difficulties. Her parents want to get loss from their house. she is alone. she cant fight above said case without my help. she want to live with me.

Arif Iqbal   15 April 2012 at 09:39

80 cpc

Respected learned members,

1) One of my client has a money claim against a registered Staff Welfare Society of a National Park.

2) The Director of the said National Park is the Chairman and the concerned DFO is the Member Secretary of the said Staff Welfare Society.

Now my query is:

a) Whether it is necessary to issue 80 CPC notice before instituting money suit against the said Staff Welfare Society?

b) If yes, whom shall the said notices be issued?

The matter is urgent, please guide me accordingly.

Naresh Solanki   08 April 2012 at 13:15

Legal notice on land regiatration

Hi All,
Our society is in receipt of legal notice from Mira-Byhander Maganagar Palika stating that we need to make society land in our name (society) if we won't do that than in the event of building collaps due to natural clamaties or human effort than builder will be the legal owner of the land & we are no where, now my question is followong
1) while we buy the flat & registered the same than we just buy material only or price includes the land cost also?

2) under which section of law this notice or rights evoke

3) does we need to make land registered in our name & how? if yes than we need to pay anything to builder?

P.Sugunavati   08 April 2012 at 00:57


First appeal has been filed before High Court against trial court dismissal of suit for non payment of Adv.stamp duty, and a PSU being lessee was made a necessary party and no relief was claimed against lessee/PSU. PSU has also filed a written statement that no relief was claimed. Now when the appellant filed a complaint before another forum on PSU for concealment, suppression and abetment fraud, that forum has kept the issue pending for one year and closed the issue without examining stating the reason that it is prejudice as per PSU version.
Is the stand of Forum correct
