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Queries Participated

Vijay Kumar   14 March 2014 at 20:09

138 nia dishonour of 4 cheques

Debtor issued 4 cheques.
All the 4 dishonoured one by one with the intervals of 2-3 days.

1. whether a single/composite notice can be issued?

2. Whether a single complaint u/s 138 NIA is permissible under law?

Kindly enlighten.

canucks   12 May 2013 at 01:48

Second marriage without divorce

I am in a pretty complex situation currently. I am a hindu, married an Iranian girl in Mumbai. we had a registered marriage but our passports indicate marital status as single. we have been separated from past 2 years and not at all in contact. I have some1 in my life now and want to get married without a divorce.please suggest ne possiblities. due to family issues divorce is out of question.

thank you

sillvi   10 May 2013 at 19:19


hi experts, first of all i want to know that DV act is criminal or civil? next is that my wife has filed false 498 against me and my parents and then DV act against me and my parents and she has asked for her marriage expenses some 5lakh, False dowry amount of some 2 lakh, maintenne of some 20000/-p.m and compensation of some 20 lakh. she herself is working with salary of some 20+.i want o know that can anyone asking for this much can get in this DV case and what is the maximum maintainence and compensation in Dv case.

shivam   04 May 2013 at 12:55

Property will.

Dear Club,
My queries are as follows:-
1) If my mother makes a will in a plain white paper and signs then whether it will be a valid and legal will?
2) If my mother dies after making the will before my father’s death then can my father make a new will cancelling my mother’s will.
3) What is the share of the son and the daughter[married and employed] in the father’s property?
4) Can my father give the entire property to his daughter without giving it to his son? If he gives the entire property or his share to his daughter then what can the son do legally?
5) Kindly specify the SHARE by which the property can be divided between son and daughter?

NOTE: Our property is a joint property i.e, in the deed both my father’s and mother’s names are given.

aman rajput   04 May 2013 at 00:04

Divorce on cruelty

Dear Ld. Friends Its been almost 2.5 yrs my wife had left with my daughter when she was 3.5 years. After 6 months of leaving me I filed RCR to call her back in return of which she filed false complaint against me in women cell after almost 1 years of leaving me which further converted into FIR under Sec. 498a and later on she also filed false DV and Crpc 125 case against me. Now she is been preparing for to file divorce from me on cruelty basis. Now even I m also thinking over to divorce her. So if she files Divorce case against me on cruelty basis should i immediately give divorce to her..or constest it...If i give immediately then what will be the impact on other cases filed by my wife against me.....??

Harish Chauhan   03 May 2013 at 22:21

Rape victim

18. उपाधियों का अंत--(1) राज्य, सेना या विद्या संबंधी सम्मान के सिवाय और कोई उपाधि प्रदान नहीं करेगा।
(2) भारत का कोई नागरिक किसी विदेशी राज्य से कोई उपाधि स्वीकार नहीं करेगा।
(3) कोई व्यक्ति, जो भारत का नागरिक नहीं है, राज्य के अधीन लाभ या विश्वास के किसी पद को धारण करते हुए किसी विदेशी राज्य से कोई उपाधि राष्ट्रपति की सहमति के बिना स्वीकार नहीं करेगा।
(4) राज्य के अधीन लाभ या विश्वास का पद धारण करने वाला कोई व्यक्ति किसी विदेशी राज्य से या उसके अधीन किसी रूप में कोई भेंट, उपलब्धि या पद राष्ट्रपति की सहमति के बिना स्वीकार नहीं करेगा।

But rape victim whose news (mentioned below )had got/selected for reward from united states as per news below
Can her family got permission from president to get award from united states?

First Lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry awarded the International Women of Courage Award to nine women.

WASHINGTON, D. C., United States

Known to India and the world as “Nirbhaya” (fearless), the 23-year-old physiotherapy intern whose brutal gang-rape on a moving bus in Delhi in December inspired widespread protests, has been posthumously presented with the International Women of Courage Award.

"Her bravery inspired millions of women and men to come together with a simple message: No more. No more looking the other way when gender-based violence happens. No more stigma against victims or survivors," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said at a State Department event held March 8 to honor women from across the globe with the prestigious International Women of Courage Award.

The award was presented to the brave young girl posthumously. None of her family members was present on the occasion. Indian Ambassador to the U.S. Nirupama Rao was present at the award ceremony in which eight others were presented with the award.

In a rare gesture, Kerry asked the jam-packed auditorium to stand and join him in a moment of silence for “Nirbhaya,” whom he described as "brave, big hearted and fearless."

"Nirbhaya's fight survives her. For inspiring people to work together to end violence against women in India and around the world by displaying immense courage in demanding

justice, and with great sadness, we honor Nirbhaya as a woman of exceptional courage, and we honor her posthumously," Kerry said at the function presided over by First Lady Michelle Obama.


D.G. Mohan   03 May 2013 at 22:14

Police complaint in sec 138

I had given a cheque to a dealer as a security. Now he says he will present the cheque in a city about 60 kms from our place and he files case in that city. There is no liability from my side and he doesn't have any records. Suppose cheque is bounced and he files a police complaint in that city, what is the legal remedy for me and what is the duty of the police in this situation? I am not worried about the case in Court.It is only the police matter is worrying.

Adv B.B.Gambhir #9814820602   03 May 2013 at 21:06

Section 156(3) cr.p.c

respected sir,
Kindly suggest me the exact procedure of section 156(3) cr.P.C

How can i file a complaint under section 420 IPC in the court to direct the police to register the case.

Meghavath M R   03 May 2013 at 16:01

Pcr under crpc 200

A VIP well known for his social service and fight against corruption has been willfully implicated by the police as a personal revenge under IPC 143, 147, 341 r/w 149. He was not at all connected with the crime and even not aware till he got Court summons. Now, he is enlarged on bail and attending the Court.

Can the innocent VIP lodge a PCR now and what is the procedure?

Kishan Karunakaran   02 May 2013 at 21:55

Presence in court hearing for cheque return case

Dear Experts,

In the cheque return case file against our company. The litigant has mentioned me the Managing Director, our Chairman and the company as accused. Is there any way that we can avoid our chairman from the usual court summon hearings, as he is aged and hence is not actively involved in the company operations, but however is a signatory to the cheque.