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Queries Participated   08 January 2016 at 13:12

On my moms grandfather property

my mother's grand father having property in our home town .that property was his own on that i am having one query that whether my mom had right on that property or not.whether it belongs to my uncles

sourav   08 January 2016 at 11:39

Fixed deposit (without nominee & surviver clause)

Mr.X have fd in bank in single name without nominee,he died on may 2015,now there children are NRI.So there is any time limit for claim that fd from bank?

Snehal Gaikwad   17 June 2015 at 19:48

Sale of undivided share

My grandfather died in year 2001. After his death, agricultural land was inherited by my mother, her sister and my grandmother in equal share. However, there was no partition. In year 2006, my grandmother sold her undivided share to her brother's son under coercion and undue influence as she was residing with him.

In sale deed, it is mentioned that the possession is given to the buyer by grandmother. However, possession is still with us.

Kindly guide:

1. What is the remedy available to grandmother.
2. Can buyer take possession of his share as property is not partitioned.
3. Is the sale made by grandmother valid.
4. Can the undivided share in jointly held property be sold.

venkat   17 June 2015 at 17:59

Decree not executed even after 12 years

my father got a loan from bank mortgaging house property. he died and his legal heirs were impleded and my mother also died and i became the sole legal heir. Final decree was passed in the year 1999 and till date no action had been taken in this regard. The original documents of the house are with the bank in relation to this case and how can i get the same. i am told that only the bank can apply for return of property and i am sure they will not do on their own. how can i proceed? kindly advise.

kaushal   07 June 2015 at 23:00

Unregistered partnership firm

money matter:- sir our firm was initially proprietorship firm and we sold goods to individual on credit and after few months we convert our firm in to partnership. we file a suit for civil recovery. but before suit issue fix we produce firm registration with amended suit. now please advice what are effects of this on suit and advice some positive ruling regarding to it.
vinod sharma 9530298122

if partnership firm is registered after filing the suit than what will be the face of the case
if after registration of partnership firm the new amended suit will be fled along with the previous with the prior permission of the court

R Shreeniwas   07 June 2015 at 19:35

Quashing of fir

Hello Experts,

My brother's wife has registered FIR under section 498a, 34 on all of us including my parents.

We are thinking to apply for quashing this FIR with Cr.P.C 482 section.

Currently charge sheet is submitted in court and we want to file application for quash in High court.

Could you please tell me how much time generally it takes for quashing FIR?

Thanks in advance.

R Shreeniwas

ckanta   06 June 2015 at 13:53

Suit for partition

Could you help me with some law or judgement which says that in suit of partition filed by plaintiff(brother) Co-defendants controversy cant be decided in that case and one of the defendant cant claim declaration of tiltle in his favour or ownership as relief clause in WS.
Please help me out.

Priya   31 May 2015 at 13:35

About land

one of my friend 'case related to land pending in a court since last 20 yr only dates are given by is on their result still she wants to sell that property.......can she sell property with leave court and how.....plzzzz help me,,,,i will be thankful

Sashi Kumar   19 May 2015 at 06:54

Transfer of property

A buyer has filed law suit against the seller for money recovery. The seller has not received any summon yet.

Can the seller transfer property to his blood relative?

Will it be valid?

Paul Moses   19 May 2015 at 05:39

Transfer petition


I am fighting a case in the sessions court in Bangalore under IPC 506.507 and POCSO Section 12.

One of the accused is my wife and she has filed a transfer petition in Supreme Court asking for a transfer of the case.

The case is also against the state of Karnataka and she has filed this after 2 arrest warrants being issued in her name. She ran away during the execution of the 1st Warrant and then was arrested during the 2nd warrant but took a bail in her local jurisdiction on the condition of appearance. Now she has taken this stay.

The 2nd accused is her brother who is also absconding from bangalore in another case on him under IPC 420 and 406 and has jumped bail also and is the co-accused in this case.

Do i need to raise an objection in the supreme court as the state would already raise one?

Please advise. Also any lawyers here in this forum who practice in the supreme court and could help me out. ?
