In spite of the fact that both the husband and wife are living under the same roof, there may be a case of desertion when there is positive evidence exhibiting neglect, indifference or overt acts of estrangement on the part of one.-T.k. Chatterjee v.Kamala Chatterjee AIR1989 Cal. 74.
Petty domestic quarrels, cause being the presence of mother in law in the family, cannot be treated as mental cruelty.-Yashoda Dai.v.K.B.Kalavkar AIR1992 Kar 368.
Where the wife deprived her company for two and a half years and for this there was no fault on the part of husband it was held that it indicated the disruption of marriage and it would be ridiculous to allow marriage to survive.- Ratneshwar Misra v.Prem lata Devi1987 (1) HLR 255