INTRODUCTIONThe creation of servitude by implication is a wide topic. In theory, a distinction can be made between two main types of implication. First, an assertion that a servitude is created by an implication ar ..
The remedies in respect of servitudes are similar to those in the context of rights of way. The primary remedy to establish the existence or non-existence office servitude right is declarator. An action of declarator may ..
INTRODUCTIONIn theory, a negative servitude could be created by statue, decree arbitral or judicial decree but, leaving those possibilities aside, we examine the stated proposition that a negative servitude can be ..
The rights and obligations on the proprietors of the servient and dominant tenements are implied by law, but they may be confirmed expressly or, within certain limitations, varied or sup ..
A general rule of construction in relation to formulae drafted Conveyancing Deeds is that where the dispositive clause contains obscure phraseology, other parts of that Clause may be examined to clarify the matter. This rule will b ..
A mutilated body is a body which is deprived of a limb, or a part, or one which is disfigured. In this condition, the soft tissues, muscles and skin may be still attached to the bones. Fragmentar ..
EXHUMATIONBy exhumation is meant the lawful disinterment or digging out of a buried body from the grave. It is sometimes necessary (1) for purposes of identification, and (2) to determine the cause of death, when foul play is suspected. As the Hindus ..
When pneumothorax is suspected, it is convenient to test for it before the chest is opened. A pocket is dissected on the affected side between the chest wall and skin, and filled with water. The tip of a knife is then pierced thro ..
Anatomist, dentist, anthropologist, and radiologist having medico-legal experience may be consulted for the examination of bones. Depending on the completeness of skeletal remains, an option can be given on the following aspects: ..
An autopsy examination is a scientific and systematic study of a dead body. Although it provides valuable information as regards the exact aetiology, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of diseases, and cause and mann ..