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The following officers have been designated as state level/information officers/district level public information officers/block level assistant public information officers in terms of section 5 of the right to information act,2005 as notified in the gazette of India on 21st June,2005 as under:-


The role of voluntary organisations and their participation in social  welfare activities has been recognised by Government  both as an important resource as well as to emphasis that social problems and social issues require active participation of the community, Government anti the voluntary organisations together have to shoulder responsibilities and functions depending on the types of activities each is best equipped to perform. The policy of the Government has been not merely to give recognition to Voluntary organisations but also to promote, stimulate and develop them and to provide opportunities to train their manpower so that the commitment of voluntary Organisation is mobilised for the well-being of the community. The investment of voluntary Organisation in Government sponsored programmes also helps the Organisation to join the mainstream of national concerns and national programmes which are intended for the well-being of the under-privileged sections of society.

2. Government's commitment to the promotion of voluntary efforts is reflected in the creation of Central Social Welfare Board in 1953 and the enlistment of Voluntary organisations for implementing programmes for a number of schemes Such as working women's hostel, crèches, supplementary nutrition, etc. There are, however, a number of unchartered areas not currently covered by any of the existing schemes in which Voluntary organisations have evinced keen interest but it has not been possible for the Department of Women and Child Development to provide support for Such programmes because they are not covered by one of the approved schemes. Further more, since these relate to several types of problem areas/client groups, it is not possible to have a separate scheme at this stage for each problem specially since the initial effort would be of a pioneering/experimental /nascent kind and it is only in later years after the programme has been in operation for some time that the Department may like to formulate a separate scheme for each of the specific types of programme activities. There are also some social problems which are of an inter-state character(problems in regions Such as Chambal Valley which are spread over several States) and, therefore, cannot be effectively action by Sustained Voluntary action rather than administrative Or legislative action. To cover Such a wide spectrum of programme areas for tackling social problems or meeting the needs of client groups, a general scheme of grant-in-aid is proposed which will not transgress the existing grant-in-aid schemes but rather supplement them.


3. The guiding principles that will be followed in approving projects are :

(i) Projects to tackle problem areas which are relatively unserviced but where need is urgent.

(ii) Projects which fill in essential gaps in existing services and complement them so as to maximise the impact.

(iii) Projects which provide integrated services, all the components need not be financially Supported by one source.

(iv) Projects which build the capacity of the individual to be self-reliant rather than dependent.

(v) Projects located in backward, rural and tribal areas urban slums which are poorly serviced by existing services.

(vi) Projects which are community based and render non-institutional services, in certain cases where the nature of the problem so demands, institutional programmes will also be supported.

(vii) Projects to mobilise public opinion and support to tackle pressing social problems.

(viii) Projects to tackle problems which require coverage of more than one State.

(ix) Projects not covered by any of the existing schemes of the Department of Women and Child Development including the Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB).



4. The proposal for grant-in-aid should be submitted giving in detail the following :

(i) The statement of the problem which the project seeks to tackle.

(ii) The objectives of the project.

(iii)The geographical area that will be covered.

(iv) The client group that is Sought to be served.

(v) The services that will be delivered, both institutional and non-institutional and the charges, if any, that will be realised from the beneficiary.

(vi) The physical targets that the project seeks to achieve.

(vii) The expertise/experience that the organisation has in planning and implementation such programmes services.

(viii) The cost estimates (separately itemwise) for recurring and non-recurring items for each year.

(ix) The anticipated Output of the Project (project quantitatively specified there feasible).



5.1 Under the scheme, grants can be given to voluntary organisations/institutions, universities, research institutes, including those set up and funded by Central Government/State Govt./Public Sector Undertaking/Local Authority/Cooperative Institutions.

5.2 The organisation should have experience of working in that programme or related area or should show evidence of competence to take up the proposed scheme.

5.3 The organisation should have been in existence for at least two years before it is eligible for applying for grant-in-aid under any scheme. However, an exception of this rule may be considered in areas where the Central/State Govt. proposes to promote Voluntary effort.

5.4 It should be well managed stable organisation with facilities, resources and personnel to undertake welfare work.

5.5 It should not be run for profit to any individual or body of individuals.

5.6 It should have a properly constituted Managing Body with its powers/duties and responsibilities clearly defined and laid clown in a written Constitution.

5.7 Its services should be open to all Without distinction of caste, religion or language.

5.8 It should be possible to relate the number of years of useful work the organisation has (lone with the quantum of grant that should be given.


6. For the purpose of this scheme, a "Voluntary Organisation" will mean :

   (a) A society registered under the Indian Societies Registeration Act,         1860 (Act XXI of 1860), or
   (b) A charitable non-profit making company; or
   (c) A Public Trust registered under any law for the time being in force;          or
   (d) Any registered non-official organisation engaged in the conduct and promotion of social welfare.



7.1 The application will be normally Submitted through the State     Governments. In the case of national organisations the Government may entertain an application directly from the organisation and where necessary obtain the recommendations of the State/UT where the organisation proposes to have the activity. Applications of State branches of well-known all India Organisations and reputed State level organisations,already known to the Department of Women and Child Development, can be entertained direct.

7.2 The application should be accompanied by :-

(i) The Constitution of the Association, its articles memorandum, and its aims and objectives.
(ii) Constitution of the Board of Management present membership date when the present Board of Management was constituted.
(iii) Last Annual Report
(iv) Information relating to the grant received or likely to be received from Central Government State Government or any other body including local bodies or voluntary organisations. If any applications are pending with these organisations for similar grant the details in this regard should be given.
(v) A statement of full receipt and expenditure of the organisation/institution for the last two years and a copy of the balance-sheet for the previous year. These should be certified by Chartered Accountant or a Government authority (this is applicable to organisations which have existed for more than two years).

7.3 The Organisation when forwarding the proposal will certify that it agrees to be responsible for :-

    (i) Administering and managing the finance.
   (ii) Using the funds provided under the project exclusively for the project work.
  (iii) Proper implementation of the programme/services for which grants have been received.
   (iv) Submission of progress reports as may be prescribed by the Department of Women & Child Development.
   (v) Refunding the full amount with interest thereon in case of misuse or unauthorised use of the funds for purposes other than those indicated in the sanction letter or for with holding or suppressing information regarding grants from other official Sources.

7.4 In the case of projects which are of a continuing nature the Government may decide to support the activities and satisfactory performance of the programme by the organisation. In the case of request for the continuation of financial assistance, a fresh application has to be made.



The following items are eligible for assistance :-

(i) Construction of buildings or extension of existing buildings or rent of the building in which the service is being given (staff quarters are excluded except in the case of warden, chowkidar, etc.)

(ii) Cost of equipment, furniture, etc.

(iii) Charges due to the delivery of the service (education, training, food, etc.)

(iv) Other charges as may be necessary for the proper running of the programme.


9.1 A copy of the site-plans/layout of the proposed building (rough sketch giving a broad indication of the building to be constructed, and area to be covered etc.) and estimated cost of construction should be submitted. After the proposal has been approved in principle the institution/organisation will have to submit blue prints of plan with detailed structural estimates that the construction of the building has been permitted. The estimates need not, however, be approved by the State PWD. A certificate by the State Government that the rates are not more than the prevailing PWD scheduled of rates for similar work shall suffice.

9.2 The institution must complete the building within a period of two years from the date of the receipt of the first instalment of grnt-in-aid unless extension is granted by the Central Government.

9.3 No portion of the grant will be paid until the controlling authority of the institution/organisation has executed and registered a bond in the approved form, securing to the Government of India a prior lien on the building for the recovery of the amount paid as grant in the event of the building ceasing to be used for the purpose for which the grant was given.

9.4 A certificates shall also be furnished at the time of the application that a site for the construction of a building has been acquired by the voluntary organisation/institution concerned. No portion of the grant shall be utilised for purchase of land.

9.5 After the completion of the building the organisation shall furnish to the Central Government copies of the following document :-

(a) A certificate from State PWD to the effect that the building has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and estimates : and

(b) A statement of expenditure incurred on the construction of building duly audited by the authorised auditors.

9.6 The head of the organisation shall ensure that buildings are open to inspection by the officer of the State PWD or of the CPWD or any other designated for the purpose by the Central or State Government both during the period of construction as well as after the construction is completed. It shall be the duty of the head of the organisation to carry out any instructions which may be issued in this behalf by the Central Government or the State Government as the case may be.


10. The rules of the TA/DA for the purpose of travel will be the same as that of the organisation/institution.

11.1 The organisation/institution is expected to provide the maximum use of facilities that it can for the project. However, in exceptional cases where full Justification is given purchase/hire of equipments can be sanctioned. Details of equipment/stores of capital nature proposed to be purchased/hired will be furnished alongwith estimates cost of each item. The grantee institution/organisation shall refund in full if the project is abandoned by it during the

period of sanction or if the project has not started. The stores purchased out of the grant given by the Ministry shall be entered in stock registers and presented to the auditors for checking.


11.2 The organisation must submit a statement of equipments purchased out of the grant-in-aid received (only in respect of those equipments which cost Rs. 200/- or more).

11.3 Equipment purchased out of the grant-in-aid ( an item costing Rs. 200/- or more) will be the property of the Department of Women & Child Development which will decide about its disposal on the completion of the project. The Department may agree to its transfer and permit the institution to utilise the equipment provided the equipment is used for the welfare service and the institution gives an undertaking for its proper care and maintenance.


12. The amount to be provided under this head will include postage, stationery, telephone charges and other unforseen items of expenditure.


13. Not exceeding 5% of the total estimated expenditure will be permissible.


14. A project can be given financial assistance for the duration of the approved term of the project.


5.1 The grantee Institution will confirm in writing that the conditions contained in the grant-in-aid rules are acceptable to it and will execute a bond in favour of the President of India to the effect that it will abide by the terms and conditions attached to the grant and that in case it fails to abide by the sanction it will refund to the government, the total grant-in-aid sanction to for this purpose with interest thereon. The singing of bond may not be insisted upon in the case of universities/or other bodies served by the Government.

15.2 The grantee Institution will maintain separate accounts in respect of the grant. The accounts will remain open to inspection to the representatives of the Government of India including the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. At the end of the period the institution will have the accounts of the grant audited by Government Auditor or a Chartered Accountant and supply of a copy of the audited account together with a utilisation certificate to the Department of Women & Child Development. Any Unsent balance out of the grant will be refunded by the Organisation immediately.



16.1 Financial assistance will be given upto 90% of the approved cost on recurring and nonrecurring expenditure and the balance of 10% among others to be met by the voluntary agency or any other Organisation but preferably by the voluntary Organisation itself. In the case of an organisation located in remote backward and tribal area where both voluntary and Government effort is very limited but the need for the service is very great. Government may bear 95% of the approved cost.

16.2 In the cost of building grant, the Government grant will be limited to Rs. 3.50 lakh or 90% of the approved cost whichever is less.

16.3 The Organisation will not receive a grant from any other source for the same purpose and activity, However, there would be no objection if funds for the additional beneficiaries Or Supportive services are obtained from some other Source.


17.1 Grants will be released in appropriate instalments. In the first year of any project the first instalment will be released with the sanction of the grant so as to cover non-recurring expenditure and six months recurring expenditure. Applications for release of second or subsequent instalments shall be accompanied by a statement of expenditure upto the previous quarter (for quarter ending June, September and December).

17.2 For continuing projects on a formal request being made by the Organisation in the beginning of the financial year the Department may, as its discreation release upto 75% of the grant-in-aid in a particular year on the basis of the unaudited statement for the previous year. The remaining 25% may be released after receipt of audited statement for the previous year and Utilisation certificate.

17.3 The application should be accompanied by the following :

(i) Recommendations of the State Government alongwith Inspection Report of a responsible officer of the State Government (Recommendation and Inspection Report can be forwarded by the State Directorate of Social Welfare also), where-ever possible.

(ii) Progress Report of the previous year.

(iii) Full justification if there is some deviation from the quantum of recurring grant sanctioned in the previous year. This deviation should also be touched Lip on by Inspection Officer of the State Government while preparing his inspection report.

17.4 The Organisation must Submit a statement of equipment purchased out of the grant-in-aid received (only in respect of those equipment which cost Rs. 200/- or more).

17.5 Equipment purchased out of the grant-in-aid on item costing Rs. 200 or more will be the property of the Department of Women & Child Development which will decide about its disposal on the completion of the project. The grantee institution may Submit a proposal in this regard before the completion of the project. The Department may agree to its transfer and permit the Institution to Utilise the equipment provided the equipment IS used for the welfare service and the institution gives an Undertaking for its proper care and maintenance.


18. The institution will not be eligible for a grant-in-aid in excess of the sanctioned amount unless specific prior approval of the Department to that effect has been applied for and obtained. Full justification has to be provided in such a case. Taking into consideration the merits of the case the Ministry may sanction an additional grant upto 15% of the project cost.


19. The institution may reappropriate expenditure from one sanctioned sub-head to another subject to a maximum of 15% in either case. Such reappropriation will be within the over-all sanctioned amount. No expenditure shall however, be incurred by reappropriation of savings, on items not sanctioned by the Department. Savings shall also not be reappropriated for incurring expenditure on staff. All permissible appropriation should be reported to the Department. Prior approval for such reappropriation is not necessary.


20. The Project Director will submit to the Department six-monthly progress reports of the project alongwith a certified statement of expenditure actually incurred and an estimate of expenditure for the next six-months period. The release of subsequent instalment will be subject to a satisfactory progress of the project.


21. No major change will be made therein even if no additional costs are involved therein unless the prior approval of the Department has been obtained.



22. If the Department is not satisfied with the progress of the project or if finds that these rules are being seriously violated it reserves the right to terminate the grant-in-aid.


23.1 The project will be open to inspection by any officer of the Central or State Government office of the Comptroller and Auditor General or a person authorised by them. The accounts of the project will be maintained separately and submitted as and when required. They shall also be open to a test check by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India at his discretion.

23.2 When the project is complete, the grantee institution will submit an audited statement of accounts with a Utilisation certificate for all expenditure incurred. The arrangements for audit of the accounts of the project will be the same as in the grantee institution concerned.




(Note: Application is to be Submitted in duplicate. Those received in an incomplete form will not be entertained)

1. Name and complete postal address of the organisation

2. Whether registered under the Societies Registration Act. 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) or any other Act (to be specified) and date of registration. (Please enclose a copy of the registration of the organisation in the case of first application)

3. Particulars of the present members of the Board of Management; date on which it was constituted tenure.

4. Details of the project for which grant-in-aid is sought :-

(i) Statement of the problem which the project seeks to tackle

(ii) Objectives of the project

(iii) Geographical area that will be Covered.

(iv) Client group that is sought to be served

(v) Service that will be delivered; both Institutional and non-institutional

(vi) Physical targets that the project seeks to achieve :-

(a) existing services

(b) additional coverage of existing services and

(c) new services, (to be indicated separately in tabular form)

(vii) Expertise/experience that the organisation has in planning and implementing such programmes/services.

(viii) Cost estimates (separately item-wise) for recurring and non-recurring items for each year. In the case of staff, the salaries and allowances for each post to be given separately.

(ix) Details of equipment, furniture etc. required for the project with estimated cost.

(x) Details of construction of buildings or extension to existing buildings or rent of the building in which the service is being given (staff quarters are excluded except in the case of warden chowkidar etc.) with estimated cost (see rule 9.1 to 9.6)

(xi) Anticipated Output of the project (to be quantitatively specified where feasible)

(xii) Charges proposed to be collected from beneficiaries for the services (education training, food etc.)

(xiii) Stipend,, if any, proposed to be given to trainees

(xiv) Other charges as may be necessary for the proper running of the programme.

5. How the institution will meet its contribution and or the balance expenditures indicate the specific Sources with quantum of expenditure.

6. List of papers/statements to be attached

(i) Constitution of the organisation its article of memorandum and its aims and objective (to be submitted in the case of first application)

(ii) Annual report for the previous year giving inter alia the details of activities. The physical targets achieved and the locations of the service activities should be mentioned.

(iii) A list of the staff of the organisation alongwith a statement showing their qualifications, scale of pay, present salary and other allowances, if any.

(iv) Information relating to the grants received or likely to be received from Central Government, State Government, or any other body including local bodies or voluntary organisations, if any applications are pending with these organisation for similar grant the details in this regard should be given.

(v) A statement of the itemised income and expenditure of the organisation/institution for the last two years and a copy of the balance sheet for the previous year These should be certified by a Chartered Accountant or a Government authority (This is applicable to organisations which have existed for more than two years. If the organisation has a deficit, an explanatory note may be given on how this is met)

(vi) Copy of site plans of the buildings and other papers if

proposed (vide para 9.1 of the scheme).

(vii) Certificates as required in para's 7.3 and 9.4 of the scheme.

(viii) List of additional papers attached if, any.

7. Additional information, if any.

Signature of the Secretary/-

President of the Organisation with stamp




KNOW ALL MEN BY THSE PRESENTS THAT  we the ------------- ABC--------------------------------------------------------------------- (name of the organization as in Registration Certificate) an association registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 having been registered by the office of --------------------------------------- (Name and full address of Registering Authority), vide Registration Number ----------------------------------- dated ---------------office at ----------------------- in the State of ----------------------------(herein after called the obligor/obligors) are held and firmly bound to the President of India (hereinafter called the Government) in the sum of Rs -------------------------------( in words Rs -----------------------only) well and truly to be paid to the President on demand and without demur, for which payment we bind ourselves and our successors and assigns by these presents.

2. SIGNED this -------------- day of -------------- in the year Two thousand and -----------.

3. WHEREAS the obligors has sent a request proposal to Government, through the Union Ministry of -------------------- for Grants of Rs. ------------------- Vide his Letter number -------------------- Dated --------------the obligors has agreed to execute this bond in advance, in favour of Union Ministry of ------------------------------- for entire amount of Rs ------------------------ as requested in the proposal sent to the Government. The obligor is willing to accept the proposed amount or any other amount approved/ sanctioned by the Government. The obligor is willingly executing this bond of higher proposed amount to accept the actual amount approved/ sanctioned by the Government. The obligor is also willing to accept all terms and conditions mentioned in the “Letter of Sanction” to be issued by the Government.

4. Now the condition of the above written obligation is such that if the obligors duly fulfill and comply withal the conditions mentioned in the letter of sanction, then above written bond or obligation shall be void and of no effect. But otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue. If a part of the grant is left unspent after the expiry of the period within which it is required to be spent, the obligors agree to refund the unspent balance along with interest at the rate of 14% (fourteen percent) per annum unless it is agreed by the sanctioning authority to be carried over to the next financial year. The amount of grant shall be refunded alongwith interest earn thereon.

5. The Soceity/ Trust agrees and undertake to surrender/ pay to Government the monetary value of all such pecuniary or other benefits which it may receive or derive/ have received or derived through/ upon unauthorized use (such as letting out premises for adequate or less than adequate consideration or use of the premises for any purpose other than that for which the grant was intended) of the property/ building or other assets created/ acquired/ constructed largely from out of Government grant. The decision of the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of ------------------------------------------ Department of ------------------------ or the administrative Head of the Department concerned shall be final and binding on the Society/ Trust, in respect of all matter relating to the monetary value mentioned above to be surrendered/ paid to the Government.

6. The member of the executive committee of the grantee will.

(a) abide by the conditions of the grants in aid by the target dates, specified in the letter of sanction and

(b) not divert the grants or entrust execution of the scheme or work concerned to other institution(s) or organization(s) and

(c) abide by any other conditions specified in the agreement governing the grants in aid.

In the events of grantee failing to comply with the conditions or committing breach of the conditions of the bonds, the signatories to the bonds shall be jointly and severally liable to refund to the President of India, the whole or a part amount of the grant with interest @14% per annum thereon. The stamp duty for this bond shall be borne by the Government.


(i) The decision of the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of ------------------------- Department of ------------------------ on the question whether there has been breach or violation of any of the terms and conditions mentioned in the sanction letter shall be final and binding on the obligors; and

(ii) The Government shall bear the stamp duty payable on these present.

In witness whereof these presents have been executed as under on behalf of the obligors and day herein above written in pursuance of the Resolution No. ----------------------- Dated ------------------ passed by the Governing Body of the obligors, a copy whereof is annexed hereto as Annexure B.


Signed for an on behalf of
Signature of the grantee.
(Name of the Obligor Association, as registered)
Full Mailing Address --------------------------------
Telephone Number/ Mobile No. ------------------------
E Mail address (if available )
Fax Number

(in the presence of ) Witness name and address



Accepted for an on behalf of the

President of India



__________________________________    Designation

                                                                                 (Name and address)


 ::Authorisation Letter for sending Grants-in-aid directly into the Bank Accounts of the orgnisation::


I/WE --------------------------------------------------- (name of the entity/ Society/ organization) Would like to receive the grants in aid disbursed by the, Union Ministry of ----------------------------------------------- directly into the bank Account of the society/ institution/ organization etc. through electronic mode of transfer. The particular are as under


Name of the payee (as in the bank accounts)

Name of the Bank-------

Bank Branch (Full address) ----- State -------- District --------------- Pin

Bank Account Number ------------------------------- (in words ----------------------------------)

Type of bank Account ---------------------- Saving/ Current

MICR Code of the Bank ------------------------------

Mode of Electronic transfer Available in the Bank – ECS/RTGS/NEFT/ CBS-----



Place : New Delhi                                                                            Signature of grantee

Date: -------------                                                                              Name of Grantee

                                                                                                    Designation/ Rubber stamp

Full Address (village/ sub division/ district/

Pin/ State)

Telephone number/ Mobile number----------------

Email (if any)



(Form of Aquittance for grant-in-aid to be received through cheques/ D.D.’s)


Received a sum of Rs ----------------------- (Rupees --------------------------------- only) by Cheque/ Bank Draft from Pay and Accounts Office, Ministry of ------------------------------, New Delhi on account of the grant –in-aid sanctioned by the Ministry of ---------------- Govt. of India, New Delhi vide letter No. -------------------------- dated ------------------.


Place : New Delhi                                                                                                                      Signature of grantee

Date: --------------                                                                                                                        Name of Grantee:


Rubber Stamp of the Organisation:


 Annexure- I

::Terms and conditions attaching to Grant-in-aid to Voluntary Organisations/ Individuals::

1.The grantee will execute a bond in favour of the President of India in the prescribed form. The bond shall be supported by two sureties if the grantee is not a legal entity.

2.The accounts of the project shall be maintained separately. Reports on progress of expenditure will be sent as and when asked for by Grantor. The accounts may be audited by the C&AD, at his discretion, in addition  to audit by Registered Chartered Accountant. The account books on the implementation of the project shall be open to check by an officer of the Government, deputed by the Grantor. The audited accounts shall be sent to the Grantor annually.

3.The grant shall be utilized for the purpose for which it is sanctioned and in the stipulated time schedule. The grantee shall not divert any portion of the grant received by him for any other purpose or organization or individual.

4.The grantee shall furnish, every quarter, progress of expenditure on the grants received up to the end of the previous quarter, alongwith a progress report on the implementation of the project. Release of further instalments of grant will be made only on receipt of such reports. The reports will clearly indicate the targets fixed in the project and achievements there against. Lack of clarity in the report may lead to delay in release of further instalments of grant. Further amounts may also not be released if the progress in implementation of the project is not clear from the report, or the achievement of project’s not given.

5.The grantee shall furnish a utilization certificate in the enclosed proforma and the grants received every year within 6 months of the close of the financial year.

6.Any portion of the grant that remains unutilized  for the purpose granted shall be refunded to the Govt. by the grantee, except where it is adjusted against subsequent releases.

7.The grantee shall maintain a record of assets and other items of permanent value having a life of not less than five years and costing Rs. 10,000/- and above, acquired wholly or substantially out of the grants. Such assets should not be disposed off, encumbered of diverted for purposes other than for which the grant is sanctioned without the prior approval of the Government of India. Should the grantee organization case to exist at any time, such assets etc. shall be  surrendered to the Government of India.

8.When the Government of India/ State Government have reasons to believe that the grant is not being utilized for the purpose for which it is sanctioned, the amount paid to the grantee are liable to be refunded to the Government of India.

9.The Government reserves the right to dominate a representative in the management of any grantee institution which receives grant-in-aid from Government of India amounting to more than 50% of its annual recurring expenditure.

10.Government may direct a grantee institution, to make suitable changes in the Byelaws and Articles of Association of the institutions concerned before release of grant-in-aid, if the purpose of the grant required.

11.Ownership of any building, or immovable property constructed wholly or partly out of to grant-in-aid, may vest with the grantee so long as it is utilized for the purpose for which the grant has been sanctioned. The responsibility for the maintenance of such buildings, etc. will also be that of the grantee institution concerned. If the organization ceases to eist, or the breach of the terms and conditions of the grant or the building is not utilized for the purpose for which the grant was given, the ownership of the building which shall vest wholly or partly with the Govt.

12.Where the grantee institution –

i)Employee more than 20 persons on a regular basis and at least 50% of its recurring expenditure is not out of grant-in-aid from Central Govt. and

ii)Is a registered society or a co-operative and as in receipt of a general purpose annual grant-in-aid of Rs.2 lakhs and more out of the Consolidated fund of India, the grantee should provide for reservation for scheduled case and tribes in recruitment to the posts and services under it, as contained in orders issued by the Government from time to time for recruitment to posts and services under it.


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