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Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, a legal provision instituted in the year 1983, serves as a bulwark of protection for marries women, shielding them from the malicious acts of cruelty perpetrated by their husband or his kin. It was  enacted, along with Section 304B (on dowry deaths), to combat the rising threat of dowry-related violence against married women by their in-laws.

This statute was conceived as a deterrent, a legal instrument to curb the pervasive and deeply entrenched social problem of marital abuse. However, over the years, this provision has been subjected to intense scrutiny due to allegations of its misuse as a tool for harassment and extortion.

This article aims to delve into the intricacies of Section 498A IPC, examining its interpretation, the guidelines set by the Supreme Court to prevent its misuse, conviction rates, landmark judgments, and recent directives to the Parliament.


Section 498A reads as – “whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman, subjects such woman to cruelty shall be pun¬ished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.”

‘Cruelty’ encapsulated in this section is comprehensive, encompassing both physical harm and mental torment inflicted upon the woman. It means—

(a) any wilful conduct which is of such a nature as is likely to drive the woman to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life, limb or health (whether mental or physical) of the woman; or

(b) harassment of the woman where such harassment is with a view to coercing her or any person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any property or valuable security or is on account of failure by her or any person related to her to meet such demand.

It is a cognizable, non-bailable and non-compoundable offence. These characteristics were designed to provide immediate relief and protection to the victim. However, the misuse of this provision has led to a surge in false cases, causing severe repercussions for the accused. 


The Arnesh Kumar Guidelines, also known as Arnesh Kumar vs State of Bihar (2014), represent a landmark judgment by the Indian Supreme Court. In this case, the Supreme Court noted that Section 498A is often used as a weapon rather than a shield by disgruntled wives, which results in harassment of the husband and his relatives, due to arrests without a prima facie case. To protect the rights of husband and his kin, the Court laid down guidelines for police officers and magistrates: 

  1. Preliminary Inquiry by FWCs- Before arresting the accused, a preliminary inquiry by the Family Welfare Committees, to assess the veracity of the allegations, is recommended. This step aims to ensure that arrests are not made without proper investigation and evidence.
  2. Mediation and Reconciliation: The court encourages measures to promote mediation and reconciliation between the parties involved. This approach seeks to resolve disputes amicably and avoid unnecessary legal battles. 
  3. No Mechanical Arrests: The police are instructed to avoid mechanical arrests that are merely based on the filing of an FIR. Instead, they are advised to conduct a thorough investigation to ascertain the veracity of the allegations. Further SC enunciated that arrest should be considered only if the situation aligns with the criteria outlined in section 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
  4. No Casual Detention by Magistrate- Judicial magistrates must review the police officer’s report before authorizing prolonged detention. Magistrates must be cautious not to authorize detention casually and mechanically.
  5. Reasonable Satisfaction- Arrests under Section 498A should be based on a reasonable satisfaction regarding the genuineness of the allegation.
  6. Repercussion for Violation- Legal action can be taken against police officials if they violate the procedure outlined in Section 41A CrPC and the Arnesh Kumar Guidelines.

LEGAL RECOURSE FOR FALSE CASES                                                                

In the event of a false case under Section 498A, individuals can approach the High Court to seek relief. 

  • Quashing of FIR- FIR can be quashed by approaching a High Court under Sec 482 of CrPc. Grounds include vague allegations, absence of specific details, and false implications of relatives who do not reside under the same roof, etc.
  • Seeking Anticipatory Bail- As highlighted in Rajesh Sharma vs Union of India case, the husband can apply for anticipatory bail in order to get protection for himself and his family.
  • Defamation case- Under section 499 and 500, a defamation case can be filed against the false 498A IPC case. Defamation refers to making false statements that harm someone’s reputation.


All India Crime Data released by National Crime Record Bureau every year, reflects that the cases registered under Section 498A are increasing every year, though the conviction rate each year is falling. The conviction rate under Section 498A is ¼ of the total crimes conviction rate.

In 2018, the conviction rate of cases under Sec 498A  fell to 13%, the 2nd lowest in 13 years. 

This low conviction rate reflects the high percentage of false cases.

This observation suggests that the act is frequently employed as a tool for retribution rather than a mechanism for justice, thereby undermining the sanctity of the legal system. The prevalence of such deceptive cases not only dilutes the gravity of genuine instances but also strains the resources of the judiciary.


  1. Manju Ram Kalita v. State of Assam (2009)- The Court emphasized that police machinery should be resorted to as a last resort and only in genuine cases of cruelty and harassment. The misuse of Section 498A was highlighted, and the Court requested a relook at the provision.
  2. Geeta Mehrotra & Anr. v. State of U.P. & Anr. (2012)- In this case, the Allahabad High Court quashed the FIR filed under Section 498A IPC against the husband and his family members. The court observed that the complainant had filed the case due to marital discord and could not provide substantial evidence to support the allegations of cruelty.
  3. Lalita Kumari v. Government of U.P. & Ors. (2014)-In this case, the Supreme Court of India reiterated the importance of conducting a preliminary inquiry before making an arrest under Section 498A IPC. The court ruled that a preliminary inquiry is mandatory for offenses punishable with imprisonment for seven years or more. This decision aimed to prevent arbitrary arrests and ensure a fair investigation.
  4. Mariano Anto Bruno v. Inspector of Police (2022)- Supreme Court reiterated that “Court must scrupulously examine the facts and circumstances of the case and also assess the evidence adduced before it in order to find out whether cruelty and harassment meted out to the victim had left the victim with no other alternative but to put an end to her life.”
  5. Kahkashan Kausar v. State of Bihar (2022)- In this case, the court held that husband’s relatives cannot be forced to undergo trial in absence of specific allegations of dowry demand.
  6. Recent Ruling (2024)- The Supreme Court ruled that married women cannot use the police machinery to hold their husbands to ransom. It expressed concern over the much-abused Section 498A being replicated in the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) without adequate protection for husbands and their relatives against frivolous complaints

LATEST DIRECTIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT                                            

On May 3, 2024, the Supreme Court requested the Parliament to bring out necessary changes to the new IPC, i.e., Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita, 2023 (“BNS”), which contained provisions such as Section 85 and 86 akin to Section 498A of IPC

The Supreme Court bench comprising Justices JB Pardiwala and Manoj Misra made these observations while quashing a case filed by a wife against her husband and his relatives

The court has directed the registry of the Supreme Court that the copy of the judgment be placed before the Union Home Minister and Union Minister of Law & Justice.


In conclusion, while the label of 'Legal Terrorism' attributed to Section 498A by the Supreme Court underscores the gravity of its misuse, it is important to recognize the indispensability of this provision in safeguarding the rights of married women. Efforts to address the complexities surrounding Section 498A must be supported by careful consideration, balanced approaches, and increased awareness of legal remedies. 

Embracing alternate dispute resolution as tools for resolving marital disputes can foster a more equitable and just society.  

While the judiciary has played a pivotal role in curbing misuse through landmark judgments, legislative reforms are equally imperative to fortify the law's efficacy. The onus lies on the legislature to amend the law, introducing safeguards against false allegations and ensuring fair investigations while unequivocally upholding the protection of women from cruelty. It is abundantly imperative to ensure pro-women laws should not become anti-man laws.

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