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Guide To Divorce Laws In India: All About The Different Types Of Divorce

INTRODUCTION Divorce means dissolution of a marriage or marital bond on the basis of the laws regulating the peoples’ rights and relationships in regard to fresh break up of a marriage under the personal laws governing such people. In relation to divorce it differs from one country to another specifically in India, there are distinctive personal laws regarding marriage and div..

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Understanding The Indian Judicial System

KEY TAKEAWAYS: India’s rich legal history has helped it gain a large amount of experience and develop itself over the years in the field of law and justice. The Supreme Court of India being the apex court of this country, is also the guardian of the Constitution and exercises considerable authority over its subordinate courts. India has over the y..

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Decoding The Legal Maze In The Business Terrain: All About Legal Regulations For Start-ups

INTRODUCTION India has been an emerging sector for new era startups, it has been termed as a globally the largest producer of new innovations, the means of various business ventures/startups.India previously bloomed well in the segments of IT and software, but now is expanding rapidly towards the sector of new startups, these startups are a balustrade in boosting the economy of Indi..

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Creepy Crawling Pieces Of Evidence: The Contributions Of Forensic Entomology On A Crime Scene.

KEY TAKEAWAYS Forensic entomology is an infamous field used for investigation based primarily on the life cycle of insects that feed on organic matter.  The reports of entomology are recognised for investigating both civil and criminal matters.  Medico-legal forensic entomology is the sub-branch which provides information extracted from necrop..

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Presumption Of Innocence In Indian Law

KEY TAKEAWAYS Sir William Garrow was the first to introduce the concept of "Innocent unless proven guilty", which is a key element of criminal law, this principle specifies that "A person is considered innocent until enough evidence is presented to prove their guilt before the court of law", that the burden of proof lies with the prosecution to prove guil..

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Definition Of Standard Of Proof In Indian Law

Introduction Judicial proceedings in India are governed by the concepts of description and standard of evidence. According to the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, proof refers to the establishment of facts through permissible substantiation. In court, the standard of proof determines the degree of certainty required for substantiation of claims in the court. &ldqu..

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Medical Malpractice And Forensic Medicine: Examining The Role Of Forensic Medicine In Medical Malpractice

KEY TAKEAWAYS In the case of “Jacob Mathew V. State of Punjab”, here it was clarified that for negligence to be considered a criminal offence, there has to be a higher degree of negligence which is also referred to as “gross negligence” or “recklessness”, as well as the very presence of “mens rea that is gui..

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Frequently Asked Questions On Sale Deed And Inheritance

QUERY #1 After the death of his first wife,  my father married my mother. He had two sons with his first wife and two sons and one daughter with my mother. After my father died due to electric shock 3 to 4 years after marriage, my mother married another man whose name we both sons now have as surname. His name is also in all our documents now. My father's sons fro..

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Delhi HC Issues Directions For Sale Of Used Hard Disk Drives

It would be in the fitness of things to mention that while ruling on a very significant legal matter pertaining to the sale of used hard disk drives, the Delhi High Court in a most learned, laudable, landmark, logical and latest judgment titled Seagate Technology LLC vs Daichi International and other connected matters in CS(COMM) 67/2024, I.A. 4731/2024, I.A. 5897/2024, I.A. 6336/2024 & I.A..

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5 Tips for Boosting Law Firm Productivity

With the continuous establishment of new law firms and the growth of existing ones, the law world is becoming more competitive. This leaves no option but to be more thorough in daily operations and maintain high-efficiency levels. Through sound optimization of the workflow, you can be sure of not only higher productivity but also better client contentment. If you are not sure where to start, th..

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Frequently Asked Questions On Sale Deed

QUERY #1 Dear Lawyer, I need your advice I entered into selling my agricultural land on Sep 01 2023 (3 months period). The buyer paid me 50% of the money in advance and took the responsibility of doing the PODI process within the said period and complete the transaction within Dec 01 2023. The PODI process got delayed by four months, hence my objective of selling..

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Right To Health Includes Right To Be Made Aware Of Products Quality: SC

While not lagging behind in rising up to the occasion and taking the most right step at the right time, it is really most reassuring to note that the Supreme Court in a most learned, laudable, landmark, logical and latest judgment titled Indian Medical Association & Anr Vs Union of India & Ors in Writ Petition (Civil) No.645/2022 and cited in Neutral Citation No.: 2024 INSC 406 in the e..

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Delhi HC Issues Directions To Maintain Hygiene In Dairies And Ensure Medical Care Of Cattle

It is definitely most reassuring and so also most refreshing to learn that the Delhi High Court while rising up to the mark very rightly in a most learned, laudable, landmark, logical and latest oral judgment titled Sunayana Sibal & Ors vs Government of NCT of Delhi & Ors in W.P.(C) 13236/2022 & CM APPL. 56064/2023 CM APPL.60825/2023 and cited in Neutral Citation No.: 2024:DHC:3069-..

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Frequently Asked Questions On Ancestral Property Law

QUERY #1 Dear sir/madam, Is there any time limit to file a partition suit in the case of ancestral property? Some people are saying if 12 years limit exceeded you cannot file a partition suit in the honorable court. Please guide me. ANSWER Dear Raja, Thank you for the query! I am Aadil and I will try to answer your question. The short answer..

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Forensic Toxicology: Detecting Poisons And Drugs

INTRODUCTION Forensic toxicology is a field within forensic science that focuses on detecting and assaying toxins and drugs in bodily fluids and tissues. It involves collecting samples, employing technical logical ways, and furnishing expert evidence in legal proceedings. Its operations range from felonious examinations to plant medicine testing and post-mortem examinations, contrib..

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