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Amit   09 May 2024 at 17:00

Transfer of shares in a chs - sale certificate unrgistered

I have bought a property in an auction located in Maharashtra.
The bank has issued a Sale Certificate for the same.
Since this is an instrument that does not necessarily need registration I have not registered the same.
Can the society transfer the shares of the flat in my name?
Please guide

rathod murtza   08 May 2024 at 16:30

Order 13 rule 10

I firstly applied to bhuj area development authority for give certified copies of document under their power but authority refused to it . so there no options then I apply application under order 13 rule 10 CPC for summons the Bhuj area development authority for production of documents. But civil judge rejects it on ground that it is your problems to receive certified copies from authority , if authority refused it give then it also your problem. How can filed that document. Can I apply miscellaneous appeal?

NAGARAJ   05 May 2024 at 06:19

Appointment of court commissioner

Specific performance suit decreed in my favour... Now I have filed execution petition.... Jdr not come forward to execute the sale deed... Now I need to file application for appointment of court commissioner before the execute a sale deed in my favour. kindly let me know the proper provision under CPC..

Manju   02 May 2024 at 18:56

Provision for appointment of court commissioner in execution

Dear Sir,
Kindly let me know the proper cpc provision for appointment of court commissioner in execution proceedings to execute a sale deed in favor of Decree Holder in a specific performance suit.

brsasireddy   29 April 2024 at 11:13

Ancestral vs self acquired

Good Morning all,

Question for all the experts and please help me to understand.

It was an ancestral property inherited for generations. Four brothers (lets say Brother A, B C D).

In year 2007 they made registered partition deed in the family. Brother B got 3.67 Acres of land via partition deed. Now the bother B has possession of 3.67 Acres.

Brother B has 2 daughters and 1 Son, all are major.

In year 2011 (Bother B still alive). B made registered Partition Deed among the kids. He gave 2.67 Acres to his son and half acres to each of his daughters. Now his son (lets say X) has 2.67 acres in his possession.

Now X has 5 kids (4 daughters and 1 son all are major), he want to sell his 2.67 acres and two of his daughters not ready.

Since it ceases the ancestral nature in 2007. I believe it become self acquired property of X.


1. Is this Self acquired property of X as he got thru the partition?
2. Can he (X) sell the property without his daughters consent?.

Please provide your opinion.


Dharshan   27 April 2024 at 22:08

Schedule is wrong in poa and sale deed.

Hello Sir,

Power of attorney was executed in year 1997 and schedule measurement mentioned is 1800 SqFt and in sale deed it mentioned is 1200 SqFt. Now attorney holder is dead.

will the sale deed will be vaild or defect. pl advice

Brian s Mahan   24 April 2024 at 20:27

How i won the lottery

I’ve been playing the lottery since I was 20, the highest amount I've ever won is $500 and I decided to get help online on how to win the lottery massively. I met DR MARCUS who gives out numbers to win the lottery with his spells. I communicated with him and he told me what I needed to know about how the spell will be done for me and I accepted. After 96 hours, he gave me the numbers and instructed me on how to play the lottery. I was shocked when I was notified that I had won $1,000,000 in the lottery and I couldn't believe my eyes thinking I was dreaming but it was all real and happening. Getting rich is never by luck, it's something we all have to work for, people have been playing the lottery for years and have never won. If you want to win big, I recommend you to DR MARCUS contact him via his

brsasireddy   24 April 2024 at 17:53

Typo error in the consent deed

Good Afternoon All,

Recently we registered a Deed of Consent in subregister office. I went thru the entire doc and somehow I missed a silly spelling mistake.
They mentioned exectants instead of executants - U missing in the word -

######### AS HERE
The amount of consideration was already received by the exectants of this document proportinately, including the first Part share.

​This Document of Consent Deed is made by the executant consciously, voluntarily, with out any undue influence or coercion This being a fully conscious act this Consent Deed is binding on the executant for ever. Now no any consideration received in this Document.
Will this create any problem in the future?. Do I need any rectification deed?.

Please help me.

arham organic   22 April 2024 at 15:06

Legal metrology notice 2009 section 18(1)

respected experts
The company has received a notice from Senior Inspector, Legal Metrology (Weights & Measures) Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, stating that the company has violated section 18(1)/36(1) of ‘the Legal Metrology Act, 2009’,Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011’ for not mention Pincode and number of sachet in box . also mention that it can be compounded at office level if we agreed to pay fine . please advice

Idris Shaikh   22 April 2024 at 09:05

Eligibility for housing societies

I have 3 children's, 2 of which were born in year 1995/1999 respectively, and my third child was born in year 2007, do i still can contest for housing society membership
