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Jeni (Software Engineer)     07 August 2014

Special marriage act

Hi ,

I am a christian girl willing to marry a hindu boy.we both are major and willing to get married in both customs(hindu and christian).

1.Will the church accepts for both marriages?.

2.Is convertion of hindu to christian mandatory?.

3.As hindu marriage is planned to  take place in temple and christian marriage in church,Can both marriage be registered seperately or it must be registered under SPECIAL MARRIAGE ACT?.

4.Please let me know the problems involved in doing any of the above?.




 3 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     07 August 2014

1. Best for both of you is to marry under Special Marriage Act by following its procedure. 

2. Both need not have to change their respective religion in above secular Civil marriage. 

3. Once the marriage is done in above form even during one month notice period neither sides parents can object to marriage on grounds of religion and same cannot be considered by Marriage Officer. 

4. See the complexities that gets involved in your questions; suppose first marriage ceremony is Christian one then he ought to covert to Christianity the moment he does so he looses his Succession Rights as provided under Hindu Laws and he cannot follow Hindu way of life. Here your status is that of a Christian and his status is that of a converted Christian. Now second marriage ceremony is Hindu marriage then you are convert to Hindu and he being at this stage a converted Christian has to convert back to being Hindu because first marriage ceremony was Christian marriage ceremony. Here your status is that of a converted Hindu and his status is that of a converted Hindu. OR see its impact if Hindu marriage at Temple takes place first and then Christian marriage at a Church takes place next!!!! SC says whims and fancy donot apply to religious conversions at wills to appease a community or set of people or for wrongful gains. I mean see the complex situation both are getting into just after respective marriage ceremonies. Now after respective marriage ceremonies which religion both will practice?. In future which religion the child will adopt? Ask these social questions privately between you both and avoid future complexities and simply opt for Special Marriage Act is a sound advice when such provisions in Law is already there, do not give in to appeasements. 

Parents are idiots; to appease them adult marriageable age children are forced to follow respective medieval religious practices or they are brainwashed to follow the same. Simply put, if both sides parents are accepting respective boy and the girl irrespective of respective religions then why convert their religion respectively and by doing so are they giving guarantee of their future that no complications will happen between them in terms of divorce, succession, child custody or be it so respective religious rights of parties!!!!! Let two adults marry as per provisions of Law which applicable here is Special Marriage Act and nurture young couple in their respective religious way of life is my take on this type of query. Rest is yours and boy’s r/w respective family’s wisdom.

[Last reply]
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Jeni (Software Engineer)     12 August 2014


Thanks for the reply.

 Will I be allowed by the church father to get married inside the church by registering this "Special Marriage Act".According to "Special Marriage Act" ,is there any rule to allow a non-christian(Him) to marry a christian(Me) inside a church or it is the decision to be taken by the church father to allow these kind of marriage inside a church?.



Jeni (Software Engineer)     14 August 2014

please anyone do reply............................

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