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AY (NA)     16 November 2012

Need help - movie plot in real life.

Hi All,

A married guy with 6 month kid.

A married female with 3 year kid.

They met only to know that they are the one's who have compatibility to the core. Both have other halves incompatible.

It maybe a movie kinda plot but very serious. We know what we want. But how can this be achieved?

Thanks in advance (No we dont think it is wrong but may be taboo for others)


 16 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     16 November 2012

Reel life when transgress real life then it is called real life swingers plot and umpteen court cases of other halves to smart cryptic questions in reference to context galore as case laws Bhaisahab jara samhal key aab......

”Hence the bottom line is that all four will end up one way or the other getting into legal half loops as cross cases upon each other by the very other frustrated halves if there is no clear decree of divorce from respective better half”.

To prudent people it is not considered taboo for a simple fact when in farmhouses house keys are exchnaged in lotto games then how it can remain taboo may be for Discovery Channel someone whispered here!

Now, how is above quote-unquote legal opinion as plot for yours truly legal film now

2 Like

AY (NA)     16 November 2012

Thanks Taj for replying to my post in an amazing way. I loved it. 

But I would request you elloborate more on what could be done if possible.

Thanks in advance

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     16 November 2012

Very simple: DIVORCE DECREE is no more "dirty word" in contemporary Indian milieu.

For a resonable price as thus sacrificed any in-compatible couple will give parting gift of decree in each others hand. Try to karo screenplay writing ka aab ……

2 Like

stanley (Freedom)     16 November 2012

Without divorce you cannot achieve any of your Goal 's  .Else legally you would be slapped or gang raped by a no  of cases from the better halfs . Now take for instance like in fairy tales or in hollyMood or bollyMood Movies the four of you go in for MCD and later on get married to each other than the situtation would work out in favour of  your compactability. And as the saying goes the grass looks  greener on the other side of the pasture ..............not until you have tasted it....... and so also one man's folly is often another mans wife . 

You seem to be watching too many BF's and as Tajobs has said it seems to be a swingers plot or can it  be termed as a swapping plot . Imagination is good for the brain but within its limits and so is reality ..........ROTFL .

stanley (Freedom)     16 November 2012


Originally posted by : Tajobsindia

Very simple: DIVORCE DECREE is no more "dirty word" in contemporary Indian milieu.

For a resonable price as thus sacrificed any in-compatible couple will give parting gift of decree in each others hand. Try to karo screenplay writing ka aab ……

He .. He ...Screen play 

@ author Screen play would run into 

Maintanence Battles 

Maybe contested Divorce which may run for years at a time 

or MCD which is sweet and short of a 6months period but may turn out to be emptying your pockets / Wealth to come to an agremment between spouses .

Division of property 

Child custody Battles which would go on for years 

Now please dont put up the next question as to who would bell each others cat ........Please 

My imagination runs wild and my advise to you is produce a flim and from the profit or proceeds of it fuel it up to fight your cases and distribute your wealth .

Everything is fair in love and war and as it is.......... love is blind ;)

Ranee....... (NA)     16 November 2012

this movie will be of new story...I never heard of hit movie with this kind of story...




-Bhaisahab jara samhal key aab.



Kunwara Baap is a hit movie..

but baap ban gaya Kunwara..will not be hit!..seems it will be Box (witness)buster instead of blockbuster..

AY (NA)     21 November 2012

its not about swapping or something. movie plot was just a pun intended to the situation.

Its just that we have in-compatible other halves and we have been very much compatible.

Hence seeking a genuine advice as how can we be together and what path can be taken. Also, what can be the after effects?

stanley (Freedom)     22 November 2012

@ AY 

Genuine Advise has already been Given " Divorce " or  "MCD" whith which ever you can convince with but the problem is you dont believe the advise given . Hence you have asked the question once again :)  

1 Like

AY (NA)     22 November 2012

Thanks Stanley,

On what grounds a divorce can be filed if MCD is not possible. How should we proceed on it? What can be possibilities when you said " legally you would be slapped or gang raped by a no  of cases from the better halfs" ?

stanley (Freedom)     22 November 2012


The following are the grounds for divorce in India mentioned under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

Adultery – The act of indulging in any kind of s*xual relationship including intercourse outside marriage is termed as adultery. Adultery is counted as a criminal offence and substantial proofs are required to establish it. An amendment to the law in 1976 states that one single act of adultery is enough for the petitioner to get a divorce.

Cruelty – A spouse can file a divorce case when he/she is subjected to any kind of mental and physical injury that causes danger to life, limb and health. The intangible acts of cruelty through mental torture are not judged upon one single act but series of incidents. Certain instances like the food being denied, continuous ill treatment and abuses to acquire dowry, perverse s*xual act and such are included under cruelty.

Desertion – If one of the spouses voluntarily abandons his/her partner for at least a period of two years, the abandoned spouse can file a divorce case on the ground of desertion.

Conversion – Incase either of the two converts himself/herself into another religion, the other spouse may file a divorce case based on this ground.

Mental Disorder – Mental disorder can become a ground for filing a divorce if the spouse of the petitioner suffers from incurable mental disorder and insanity and therefore cannot be expected from the couple to stay together.

Leprosy – In case of a ‘virulent and incurable’ form of leprosy, a petition can be filed by the other spouse based on this ground.

Venereal Disease – If one of the spouses is suffering from a serious disease that is easily communicable, a divorce can be filed by the other spouse. The s*xually transmitted diseases like AIDS are accounted to be venereal diseases.

Renunciation – A spouse is entitled to file for a divorce if the other renounces all worldly affairs by embracing a religious order.

Not Heard Alive – If a person is not seen or heard alive by those who are expected to be ‘naturally heard’ of the person for a continuous period of seven years, the person is presumed to be dead. The other spouse should need to file a divorce if he/she is interested in remarriage.

No Resumption of Co-habitation – It becomes a ground for divorce if the couple fails to resume their co-habitation after the court has passed a decree of separation.

The following are the grounds for divorce in India on which a petition can be filed only by the wife.

  • If the husband has indulged in rape, bestiality and sodomy.
  • If the marriage is solemnized before the Hindu Marriage Act and the husband has again married another woman in spite of the first wife being alive, the first wife can seek for a divorce.
  • A girl is entitled to file for a divorce if she was married before the age of fifteen and renounces the marriage before she attains eighteen years of age.
  • If there is no co-habitation for one year and the husband neglects the judgment of maintenance awarded to the wife by the court, the wife can contest for a divorce.


You must have studied Newtons thrid law of Motion while in school that is for every action there is a opposite and equal reaction " ;)

Hence be ready to face cases like 498a , DV , (although we all know these would be false allegations )Maintanence . 

ANAMIKA VICHARE (LAWYER)     25 November 2012

You can file petiton for divorce on the ground of have to prove that her behaviour, acts are causing you cruelty

have a heart foundation (member)     26 November 2012

The best way to sort out  the issue issue is, all the 4 adult sit togather and try to resolve it like matured adults if they are unable to  continue with the marriage.

Firstly, place and protect the best interest of all the children involved. and Ensure the children with continued love, care and affection of both parents (even if a separation takes place).

Draw a parenting plan ( you can download one that has been approved by the Bombay High Court and is available on the download section of the website

Both Parties can take divorce by mutual consent and get remarried.

 All 4 adults will need to have a great level of maturity, understanding, patience to deal  with the situation. Otherwise each one will end up suing the other and it will noting but a  waste of time , money, energy and in the end it will be the children who will be the only losers !!!!

Life is not filmy.... reel life comes to an end after 3hrs.... but real life... day after  day, year after year... goes on and on and on....  :)

1 Like

AY (NA)     17 December 2012

Thanks Heart...

Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     18 December 2012

Ya if all of you know and are aware about the compatibility issues, it is suggested to have a discussion...



Although the probability is less. Remember that if you disclose your affair, she will have a ground for divorce against you....



Make a wise Choice...






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