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Saptarshi (technical expert)     22 October 2012

I am an indian and i am marrying my romanian girlfriend


I wanted to know about the documents required by us for the marriage. I found in a website that i need the following documents :-

''1)Proof of age of both, in the form of birth certificate issued by the local municipality of place of birth, school leaving certificate or any educational certificate stating correct date of birth, Passport stating the correct date of the birth, etc any of these;
(2) Proof of address of both,Passport,Voters Identity card, Ration card Driving license etc any of these; 
(3) No objection letter issued by the Embassy of the foreigner clearly stating the unmarried status of this foreigner person;
(4) Passport size photographs of both parties & the three witnesses;
(5) Identity proof of all the three adult witnesses; 

Now point number 3 says that i need an NOC issued by her embassy, but i have been told that she needs the NOC and her Unmarried status affidavit from her town notary and it should be translated in english. So, do i still need NOC from her Embassy? or her Unmarried status certificate from her town notary is enough?If needed, i can send you the copy of her single status certificate from her town notary. 
And also please let me know if i will be needing to submit the copy of my Permanent Residence Certificate also along with the other documents or no.


 11 Replies

Goutam Prasad (Advocate)     22 October 2012

In fact NOC is required from Roman Embassy and un-married staus certificate would be required from local adminstration from the city where she used to reside in her country or else from her Embassy, if she is in India now a days.

In case of certificate from local administration, its translation in English would be required and the same should be attested by her embassy.


Your present address is required, whether the same is your permanent is immaterial.

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Saptarshi (technical expert)     22 October 2012

Thank you Mr. Goutam Prasad. Well, is it mandatory for Romanian Embassy to issue the NOC if my girlfriend asks for it?Or they can just reject it? In the latter case, what should i do? 

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 October 2012

1. The simplest way to marry her is in Romania and for the same you need to travel there with short stay Visa for visit C/VV. To get this visa, you will be needing an invitation letter from your girl friend through the Emigration Office of Romania from the city where she is currently living.

2. After Marriage there, you will get 5 year family resident card in Romania which can be renewed accordingly.

3. Romanian Embassy does not issue NOC.

[To me seems case of GENPACT employee – whatever !]

Also it is not clear from your enquiry where you want to get married to her;
India or Romania ?

Clarify it.

Saptarshi (technical expert)     22 October 2012

nopes, not genpact employee. and i want to marry in india. and we will be living in india thats why i want our wedding to be registered in india so that she can obtain thePIO card

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 October 2012



1. Under SMA it can be done and you donot need for her - single status affidavit (in the US), a Certificate of No Impediment (in the UK), or Certificate of No Record (in Australia) as they are called in for respective nationalities. People who say about NOC for Romanian marrying in India with an Indian are wrong.

The documents and Form for SMA if I consider this query case from Delhi are well laid say in link

2. All that are needed to Register Marriage under SMA in India with a foreigner are as below;

A. There’s a 30 day residency requirement, which means that either the bride or the groom has to be living in India for at least 30 days prior to applying to the local registry office to get married. For foreigners, this is evidenced by a certificate from the local police station or Copy of C Form or FRRO Registration copy accordingly.


B. You’ll need to submit your intention to get married to the registry office (as per your Jurisdiction District), along with the residence certificate (i.e. proof of residence), certified copies of passports and birth certificates, and two passport sized photographs and few affidavits each.

C. If no objections to the marriage are received within 30 days of the application, a civil ceremony at the registry office can then take place. Three witnesses are required, who have to provide passport sized photographs, as well as identification and proof of address. The marriage certificate is usually issued a couple of weeks after the wedding.

3. All she has to do right now is to come with her original Certificates on a Tourist Visa and post registration of Marriage convert it into "X" Visa.

A. As of September 2012, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has changed the procedure and is no longer accepting direct applications for Tourist visa extension and conversion. Instead, she will need to apply at her local FRRO/FRO, which in accordance with Section 1, Note 2 of this document, must make a recommendation and forward it to the MHA in
for approval if the matter is outside its delegated powers. This Notice further states that the MHA will only directly accept cases that are pending with local FRRO/FROs for over 30 days, or in cases of medical emergency. If you have any queries, contact the Visa Support Center in Delhi on 011-22560198, 011-22560199 or email at

[Notice and Document quoted above in this para can be given to you, just ask me]


4. There are two ways of scheduling your interview.


A. Appointments can be made online, up to 30 days in advance, using the Online VISA Appointment Scheduling System, or

B. Simply turn up and take a place in the line.


If you use the appointment scheduling system, be sure to print all documents including application form and appointment slip.


If you do decide to just turn up and join the queue, be sure to arrive there before the office opens. Around 8.00 a.m. is a good time, as people start lining up early. You'll be given a number/token at the reception counter and then instructed to go upstairs to the main room in another building (where the appointments take place). The reception counter there opens at around 10 a.m. The staff member will hand you an Application Form. Alternatively, you can download and print a copy of the form [Form quoted in this para can be given to you, just ask me]. You'll need to complete two copies of the form and submit it to the staff member at the reception desk, along with your token number and photocopies of supporting documents.


The documents that she'll require are: copy of passport and visa page, copy of passport of Indian spouse (or other documents that prove that he/she is Indian), copy of registered marriage certificate, and proof of residence. She'll also need passport sized photos.


The government officers who conduct the interviews arrive at around 11 a.m. and start calling people's names from the pile of forms that have been submitted. Interviews are typically quite short, and only last for around three to five minutes. You'll be told to return at around 5 p.m. to collect a letter with instructions to give to your local Foreigner's Regional Registration Office or Foreigner's Registration Office (as they are called outside major capital cities).


The Next Step is Registration and Police Verification


The letter from the MHA will instruct the FRRO/FRO to grant a three month Tourist Visa extension to her and conduct an investigation as to whether you're actually married and living together at your stated address.


Unfortunately, it's at this point in time that the process becomes a bit blurred due to the lack of consistency in procedures followed by each FRRO/FRO (particularly at FROs, which are smaller offices and have less authority than FRROs but assuming your case briefs originates from metro city). When you hand over the letter, the first step is to register yourself and get a Resident's Permit. Next, the FRRO/FRO will arrange for police verification to be undertaken. This consists of a police visit to your home. The police will prepare a report and submit it to the FRRO/FRO. (This is where matters can get even more challenging, with police reports often disappearing without a trace or not being received by the FRRO/FRO).


If the investigation isn't completed within the three months of the visa extension, she'll still be allowed to stay in India but will need to return to the FRRO/FRO to get a "Case Under Consideration" stamp in your passport and Resident's Permit.

Next step is getting Your Application Approved


Once the police report is received, the FRRO/FRO will send all the documents to the MHA in Delhi for review and a decision to be made as to whether or not your X Visa will be granted. This usually turns into a frustrating waiting game, with no communication received. The MHA will provide another letter containing instructions to be given to the FRRO/FRO for processing. It's likely that you'll have to return to the MHA to collect the letter.


Regarding your thoughts of getting PIO Card for her;

After One Year only she can apply for a PIO Card. 
She can apply for a PIO card in India after one year of marriage if she is here on a long term visa (of a year or more) and registered with a FRRO/FRO. FRROs in major capital cities have the authority to process applications. Otherwise, all applications must be sent to the MHA in Delhi.

[PIO Application Form can be given to you, just ask me]

That is all you need to know now. Understand clear reply and if you feel you are capable to do all running around as in above process flow, go ahead and marry to hearts will.

If not then time to hire an advocate via reference or search one from vast database of LCI.

That is why I said disclose other informations too like your city name etc. otherwise reply that you will get will be cloudy !


1 Like

Saptarshi (technical expert)     22 October 2012

Thank you very much sir. I am from Silchar, Assam but i am working in Bangalore at a software firm as a technical expert.

I have got a unmarried status affidavit from my town's notary, my birth certificate, my passport copy and in original, my PRC and my girlfriend has got her single status certificate from her town notary translated and legalised in English, her birth certificate translated in english, her passport copy and in original. so i guess thats all what we need now?

She has 3 months visa which is valid upto 5th january 2013. 

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 October 2012

Saptarshi (technical expert)     22 October 2012

i will marry in silchar, Assam as my PRC and passport bears my hometown address and also my parents live there. Thanks alot :-)

Dave Sandhu   27 September 2015

Hi I hope I writing in right place, I going to marry my Romanian gf in Punjab (India) and we have plan to move to Romanian , what pepper we need for Romanian resident ? And what is best way to get quick resident, apply from india or get short stay visa for Romanian and apply there , I appreciate if any one help me with this thanks

Ashutosh Basar   26 April 2017

Hi Mr. SAPTARSHI please contact

Ashutosh Basar   26 April 2017

Hi Mr. SAPTARSHI please contact

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